Chapter 11 | Muzan Kibutsuji

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*second person p.o.v.*

You held Tanjiro's hand as Tanjiro held Nezuko's, walking through crowds of people. You three stopped and let a vehicle go by. Everything was so bright, it made you dizzy. Luckily, you had your mask, so you put it on while Tanjiro put his scarf over his head.

"Let's go this way." You said, walking towards an alleyway to see two people making out. You quickly cover Tanjiro's eyes and pull his head to hide in your side. "I'm so sorry!" You stammered, bowing down. You then ran out of the alleyway and let go of Tanjiro's head. "What happened?" Tanjiro asked.

"Ah, it was nothing. I just... interrupted something." You said sheepishly. You and Tanjiro ran through the town, finally getting out of the chaos and went over to an udon stand.

"Excuse me. Two bowls of Yamakake udon please." You said to the bald man. "S-sure thing!" The man got up and went back into his stand, starting to prepare two bowls for you both.

"I've never been to a place like this. It's way too crowded." Tanjiro said. "Yeah, you're right. I'm a bit dizzy." You felt Nezuko and Tanjiro rest their heads on either one of your shoulders.

You smiled and wrapped an arm around Nezuko's shoulders, then running your hand through Tanjiro's hair. Tanjiro sighed contently, relaxing his shoulders with his eyes closed. "Here's two bowls of Yamakake udon!" The man said.

Tanjiro lifted his head off your shoulder and thanked the man, raking both the bowls of udon. You took off your mask and took a sip of the soup in symc with Tanjiro. Due to the smell of the udon, you couldn't smell it. But once you took the bowl away from your mouth, the smell immediately filled your nostrils.

It took a few seconds before Tanjiro could also smell it. He stood up and dropped the bowl, whilst you shakily set your bowl aside. "Y/n..." Tanjiro whispered. "I know." You whispered back.

You grabbed your mask and put it on, knocking your bowl of udon over in the process. You grabbed your sword and stood up as Tanjiro grabbed his own. You took his hand in yours and ran off, ignoring the shouts of the udon man.

"This scent! Y/n, why is it here all of a sudden?!" Tanjiro asked. "I'm not sure!" You run through an alleyway and through a crowd, pushing and shoving people over. A man with a white hat was what you saw, and was what the scent led to. You grabbed his shoulder. He turned to look at you, and you were met with plum red eyes.

He looked... scared almost, once he saw your mask and Tanjiro's hanafuda earrings. But it was gone as soon as it was there. You and Tanjiro were about to take our your swords, when you heard a young girl's voice.

"Daddy?" Muzan turned to show a little girl in his arms. "Who are they? I think the girl's mask looks cool!" The little girl said. You and Tanjiro were taken aback. Muzan -a demon, was posing as a human.

Your eyes were wide, and you suddenly felt sick. "It's all right. Don't worry." Muzan reassured his daughter. Then he fully turned to you both.

"Is there something i can do for you both? The young boy looks quite flustered." Muzan said. A woman walked over to Muzan's side. "Oh my. What's going on?" The woman asked. "Mother!" The mom smiled at the child. "Do you know them?" The mom asked.

"I do not. Much to my consternation, i've never met these children before. They must have mistaken me for someone else." You saw Muzan quickly cut someone's neck, which made Tanjiro gasp. "Oh, you think so?" The woman questioned.

You saw the man grab the nape of his neck in pain, his wife looking at her husband in concern. The husband growled at the wife and bared his fangs. You and Tanjiro pushed through Muzan and his family, yelling stop as the demon sunk its teeth into his wife.

The wide screamed in pain and fear. You jumped on the man, the man landing on you as you held him back. Tanjiro used his scarf and stuffed it in his mouth, holding it there with his hands so the demon wouldn't spit it out. "Dear!" The woman cried. "Ma'am! Worry about yourself! Put pressure on the wound with a cloth!" You said while struggling with the demon.

Tanjiro had to hold the demon's hand back whilst you held the demon from getting up. Two men grab a cloth and put the cloth on the woman's wound, but it wasn't enough.

"Put more pressure on it! More! Tie it with a rope!" You ordered. Then you remembered about Muzan. You looked over to see him and his family walking away, something which Tanjiro noticed, too. "Muzan Kibutsuji! We won't let you get away! No matter where you go!" Tanjiro shouted.

"You won't ever get away from me! I'll follow you to the depths of hell, and the last thing you'll see is my blade! For as long as i breathe, i will never forgive you! Not ever! What you did was unforgivable!" You shouted. "What the hell is going on here?" A police asked. "A drunken brawl?" Another questioned. "Step away from the man!" They ordered.

"We can't! Get some restraints! I beg you!" Tanjiro said. He grabbed Tanjiro's haori and tried pulling him off the man whilst one did the same to you.

"Shut up and get off of him already!" The police demanded you and Tanjiro to get off of the demon. "You don't understand! We're the only ones that can hold him down!" You said. "Move!" He ordered. "Please don't do that!" Tanjiro pleaded.

"Just look at the boy's face. He's lost his mind!" One of them said. "Pull these kids off of him!" Another ordered. "Please, stop! I don't want this person to kill anyone!" You begged. "Don't interfere, please!" Tanjiro said. "Why you little-!" One of the police men raised his wooden baton, so you you got out from underneath the man and atop of Tanjiro to take the hit, but flowers suddenly appeared and stopped the police men from doing so.

The flowers... smelt nice. "What's with all these flowers?!" One of the police men exclaimed. You got off of Tanjiro, looking around. The scent got stronger as a woman with lavender eyes walked over with a man who had white and black hair.

"You still refer to someone who has become a demon as if they were a human. And you're both even trying to save him. If you're both willing to go that far, please allow me to lend you a hand." The woman said, healing her wound. "But why? You have a scent of a demon." You said. "That's right. I am... a demon. But i'm also a doctor. And i too wish to obliterate Muzan Kibutsuji." She said.


(1175 words)

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