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"Pumpkin! Tell me something good!" My dad's voice rang out loud through the facetime call on my phone as I tried to cook eggs and pancakes for Harry and I.

He was leaving for tour later today but luckily we could spend the whole day together and I'd drop him off at the airport tonight.

I was wearing one of Harry's graphic tee's with my hair in a messy ponytail as I did my best to evenly pour the pancake mix in the large frying pan.

"Well, my album is almost done! You're still coming to the first show right?" I asked using the spatula to poke around the pancake.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss that for the world! Now, is that your kitchen? I don't remember that archway," he said moving the camera closer to him to try to get a better view. I rolled my eyes at his prying and let out a breathy laugh.

"You are so nosy! Would you mind your own business, please," I semi-teased him.

"All I'm saying is I wanna meet this young gal or fellow if they got you spending nights at their place and wearing their shirts," he said raising an eyebrow with a knowing look on his face. "That blush tells me everything I need to know, now, how official is it?"

"Dad!" I laughed trying to flip the pancakes. "It's not official-official."

"You kids with your terms. Listen to me Ezra, you like the guy?" I nodded. "He likes you?" I nodded again. "You both know that you like each other?" I nodded again with a smile this time. "Then you're official to me! Now, do I get a name?"

"Angel, I missed waking up next to you," A sleepy and shirtless Harry mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck before resting his face in the crook of my neck.

The blush on my cheeks was a dead give away and my dad gave me a look through the camera in which I also gave him a look, not to embarrass me.

"Harry, there's someone you should probably meet," I said nudging him.

He removed his face from neck and with his eyebrows drawn together in confusion he suddenly realized what was happening. I kind of expected him to be embarrassed or stand straighter with an awkward cough but this is Harry, he's smooth— even with parents.

"Hi, you must be Wayne! I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you. Ezra always has a fun story involved when you're in the mix. How are you? I saw New Mexico was having some thunderstorms."

And just like that Harry and my dad had a whole conversation as if they we're old friends. Harry stayed wrapped around me as I continued to cook. I'd turn my head every so often with a smile watching him laugh and smile at something my dad said. He caught my eyes and turned to look at me giving me a wink. I quickly placed a kiss on his lips before turning back to my cooking.

"Ezra! You know I taught you better how to flip pancakes!" My dad teased making me throw my head back laughing against Harry's shoulder as my dad continued to scold me by sharing embarrassing stories of me which Harry loved.

This is how the whole breakfast went. Harry and I sat down at the table with my phone set so my dad could continue to talk to us. I never knew it could be this easy. Being with Harry was like breathing, it was natural. Everything with him felt right. There's never been a moment where I didn't feel completely comfortable with him. He's always shown me the truest version of himself, whether he was angry or sad or upset or happy and excited. Harry's always just been himself. He's never put up a fake version to impress me. He's genuine and real and I've never experienced this before. I didn't know it could be so good.

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