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I was absolutely terrified. Like actually sweating, foot tapping the ground, constantly darting my eyes to every part of the room and any noise was making the hairs on my neck stand up.

I don't know what I was expecting today. I mean, I was hoping to spend the day with Ezra again. I leave for tour again on Friday and it is currently Wednesday. Yesterday was amazing, waking up with Ezra has easily become my favorite moment with her. Although, I say that every time. It's true. I love every minute with her. I love watching her face scrunch in annoyance when someone driving cuts her off.

"I mean did you see that! I literally could have hit him and we could have died," she huffed making me laugh and earn a glare from her.

"Babe, we're in a parking garage, you were idling."

"Okay, and? What if we were on the highway!"

"But we weren't, and he was at least 10 feet in front of you. . . Now, smile for me," I said giving her my most cheesy smile.

She couldn't hold back her own smile and laughter as she shook her head.

"There she is, I missed your smile, angel."

I didn't miss the way her cheeks blushed at my words and she started driving again.

We had spent the whole day together. We went hiking, had a picnic, she cooked us dinner at her house where her friend Jolie dropped by unannounced. Much to E's dismay but Jolie was funny and obviously they meant a lot to each other. We three ended up spending most of the night together before Jo left and Ezra and I sat on her couch talking and laughing. I had spent the night with her and woke up this morning to her making breakfast in the kitchen.

Everything was so good. Better than good. I felt happy and free and I wanted every day like this.

Ezra wasn't even that mad when I caught her dancing and singing to Kehlani. I had left to get us snacks from the store and when I came back E had Kehlani blaring, I mean actually so loud if we weren't in a secluded area there would be a noise disturbance called to the police. Ezra was also dancing so freely, without a care in the world. I just watched her with a smile because seeing her so free and being Ezra made me so happy. When she finally realized I was back home she was out of breath with flushed cheeks from the energy she exerted.

"You-" she said holding her finger up for me to wait while she caught her breath. "You said you had to stop by your house."

"Turns out I had extra clean clothes in my car, so I didn't need to after all," I smirked watching her flustered face as she tried to bite back her laugh.

"So how long were you there exactly?" She asked watching me closely as I stood up and walked slowly towards her.

"Enough to see you have this obsession with Kehlani, which I fully support."

"It is kind of this secret obsession," she blushed looking down. "Her music just makes me feel so free and like I can be me and I just relate to her as an artist and a female. She's kind of a big inspiration for me to continue writing and singing."

I finally reached her using one of my hands to lift her chin up to meet my eyes and see a soft smile form on her face. "I happen to really like that, I like that you can relate so much to her. Now, dance with me?"

Needless to say as we continued to dance to Honey playing through her speakers we didn't do a reality TV show binge with snacks. Instead we danced. We slow danced, we did our own crazy moves. We were just us and I want to thank Kehlani for showing me another side of Ezra that I love.

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