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"...Oh, they're back."

It was barely after dawn. From the window of the Montchat manor in the capital of Mohnton, he saw a carriage he didn't recognize.

Just as had been reported by the men guarding the border, it was a carriage bearing the royal crest.

As Klaus muttered that to himself, Nicole and Günter who happened to be nearby, raised their heads. They raced to the open window and leaned outside.

"God damn, it's true! Heeeey!"

Günter waved vigorously, but of course the people in the carriage a little while down the road didn't notice him.

"Missstresssss! Lord Aloiiiiis!!"

Nicole also yelled as loudly as she could next to him. As he sighed at the two idiots screaming out the window, he noticed that the other servants nearby were already beginning to whisper to each other with big smiles on their faces.

Within minutes, the entire mansion was buzzing with activity.

Despite the brisk southerly wind tinged with miasma, Camilla and Alois were greeted outside by all the mansion's servants.

Alongside the smiling servants, several soldiers also saluted their return. Some of the maids couldn't help but whisper to each other happily, whilst the cooks wondered just what kind of feast was in order. Everyone's faces were bright.


Nicole pushed her way through the circle of people surrounding them and ran straight into Camilla, who had barely stepped off the carriage.

"I-I'm so glad that you're okaaaaaay...!!"

Camilla didn't know what to say to Nicole, who bawled as she clung to her. As she gently stroked her head, she looked around at all the others.

Camilla looked at them all slightly incredulously. This was hardly the welcome she expected under the circumstances.

"What about the revolt? Is there still fighting going on? The Meyerheim and Ende families are in revolt, are they not!?"

After nearly losing her life in the royal capital, returning to this felt like a major anticlimax. She almost felt as if there was something shady going on.

"Ah, right, that. Nah, nothing of the sort. It's all wrapped up!"

As Camilla looked this way and that, she suddenly heard a frivolous sounding voice behind her. Camilla was startled by that sudden familiar voice.

"Klaus! What on earth are you doing here!?"

The Lörrich family were supposed to be in open rebellion against Alois. When she looked around more, she suddenly spotted two familiar faces in the group of soldiers. Two strong-looking men, with chestnut brown hair...

"Theo!? Leon!? Why are you not in Einst!?"

As Camilla looked at them in complete shock, Leon tried to keep a serious face whilst Theo just winked.

"Just what is all this...?"

"Apparently, the two of you are pretty popular. You managed to win over more than half of Mohnton to your side, and now that they're all alone, Falsch surrendered. We got that message this morning."

Camilla could only breathe as she looked at Klaus, mouth agape. Her thoughts couldn't catch up with what was being said. The three major noble houses of Mohnton rose up in rebellion, just how could that have all changed so quickly?

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