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It had been over seven months since Camilla had arrived in the Duchy of Mohnton. The land was now languishing in the true depths of the winter season.

Mohnton, located in the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Sonnenlicht, had much harsher cold months than the capital. Although there wasn't much snow around the duchy's capital, the humid wetlands that made up the majority of the territory saw a lot of snowfall during the winter.

– I wonder if Einst is doing well?

It had been a couple of weeks since Camilla and Alois had returned from the town of Einst.

After the assessment of the manastone veins had been completed and the groundwork set for the rebuilding process to begin, there was no more need for Alois to oversee things directly. Leaving some of the people from Grenze as well as his own support staff from the territory's capital, Alois returned home alongside Camilla.

Ever since returning, Alois had shut himself in his room, dealing with the mountain of paperwork that had built up in his absence. Once the winter was over, a new year would dawn along with the spring. There was a seemingly endless amount of matters that had to be attended to before the new year began.

Camilla, on the other hand, was relatively free. Even though she had been in Mohnton for the better half of a year, her role in this land was still vague at best, for the most part being treated as Alois' guest.

So what should she do to pass the time? Talk with Nicole? Get pulled into one of Alois' exhaustive study sessions? Or, perhaps...

"Oi! Keep an eye on what you're doing! It's burning ain't it!?"

By the time she realized, it was too late. The frying pan that Camilla held was already beginning to billow with smoke. The sauce had turned an ominous shade of black and had begun to smoke. In a hurry she killed the flame, but it was already far too late.

The man who stood beside Camilla didn't try to hide his anger, as he yelled in exasperation.

"Don't doze off like that when you're cooking! It's dangerous!"

"Doze off, you say!? ...Fine! It was my fault, satisfied!?"

"At least pretend to be a little modest when you apologize!!"

The man who scolded Camilla was middle-aged with fiery red hair and a face to match his anger. It was the chef who didn't match the exquisite delicateness of his cooking, Günter.

"So at least listen to what I have to tell ya! You've got to pay attention to what you're doing! Cooking ain't just about the ingredients!"

"I know that! That's why I said it was my fault!"

"Howd'ya expect me to take you seriously when you're acting so high and mighty still!?"

Despite her apology, Günter didn't seem satisfied at all. As they argued, hoots of 'You're too harsh!' and 'Ain't ya going overboard!?' echoed through the kitchen.

Those jeers were coming from Günter's fellow cooks who also worked for the Montchat family.

"Oi, head chef, we finally got a girl in the kitchen, what'll we do if you drive her out!?"

"That kinda guy doesn't even know just how wonderful girls are at all, huh!?"

"Shaddup! If she quits over somethin' this, then she wasn't worth my time anyways!!"

As the voices jeered against him, Günter snapped angrily at his subordinates. But their laughter didn't stop, their voices perked up again straight away.

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