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4 (3) – 10

Just as expected, a trap had been laid.

It was easy to assume there were one or two people who had betrayed them. Ever since the vigilante militia had foreseen their trip to the florist, he had made that prediction.

Judging from the timing of the information leak, it had to be one of the musicians or Mia. Even if it was someone out of the six, they were acting on someone else's behalf.

He still wasn't sure if they had been betrayed by multiple people or just one person alone. Or perhaps Franz's hands had already reached all of them?

He had enjoyed his time spent in that cellar, but he had never let his guard down. He hadn't feigned his interest in the young musicians' dreams or his admiration of their passion. But still, he always held onto his suspicions. Perhaps that was just the nature of one born to the House of Lörrich?

But whilst he had suspicions of the others, he trusted Alois and Camilla, as well as her maid Nicole.

That's why he always made absolutely sure that when he went out, one of those three would be by his side.

Klaus had been proceeding with caution for some time.

He made sure he was never completely alone. Avoiding taking on any work or responsibilities that would leave him isolated, he favoured going to places with as many people as possible. What's more, he never accepted any of his uncle's invitations. Even if he was directly invited to his study, he always found an excuse to decline.

He'd had conversations with Franz. However, he had flat out rejected the offer to 'talk alone', always bringing a guard or two with him.

Eventually, he knew that his uncle would grow impatient by how stubbornly he was defending himself. But, there was no way they could have let the festival go off without a hitch. It was being held in the name of 'Celebrating Klaus' appointment as the successor', after all. Their pride and honour wouldn't allow Klaus to make such a conclusive statement in so public a manner.

The reason why Klaus had proposed a festival in the first place was that he knew that something 'bright' and 'fun' would more easily provoke his uncle's short temper.

He had to have hated it. It must have been like an itch constantly crawling under his skin. He must want to dispose of Klaus who was so stubbornly opposing him as quickly as possible.

Eventually, he would have reached the limits of his patience.

That time seemed to have come.

The sounds that resounded from the plaza were angry yells alongside the sounds of things toppling over and crashing to the ground. Victor and the other young vigilantes rushed back out of the alleyway in a panic.

Klaus also turned to follow them back to the square. Being one of the first ones to enter the alleyway, it made sense he was one of the last to leave. Camilla must have been the same.


When Camilla saw Klaus behind her, she called out to him in sheer worry.

"Do you know where Lord Alois is!? I haven't caught sight of him this whole time! He wasn't with this group either, perhaps, do you think he got caught up in the...!?"

Camilla's complexion turned pale as her words trailed off. The thought that Alois might have come to harm left her speechless.

Thinking back, he had seen Camilla looking all over the square for Alois earlier. It wasn't as if they were always together with one another. What's more, they had different jobs to do today. It should have been fine if they were apart for a while... But, he didn't expect to see that look on Camilla's face.

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