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5 – 8

She had already been pursuing Alois more aggressively for a few days now.

However, despite him continuing to try and escape her, when they finally met, it was in a way Camilla couldn't have predicted.

"Lord Alois! A-are you alright!?"

Even though it was still late at night, Camilla had rushed into his room with a loudly raised voice.

There was one large bed in the room and only a single shelf for books, as well as a fireplace, and two chairs. Other than that, Alois' room seemed devoid of possessions. Even though she had visited his room many times in the past, she could never get over just how plain and empty it really was.

And on that bed, Alois was lying down. A court physician was assessing him on one side, whilst the rest of the bed was surrounded by servants. There was Vilmer, the long-serving chamberlain and Gerda, the head of all the maids. Besides them, there was also the head butler and the senior most maid directly under Gerda. Those four made up the most veteran servants in the household, whilst a large number of their subordinates stood silently behind them.

As Camilla burst into the room in a flurry, they turned to glance at her. Then, without any more reaction to her entrance, they turned back to look at Alois. She felt a little uncomfortable with their uniform movement, as if they were all tied together with string, but that wasn't important right now.

Camilla pushed her way through the ranks of servants to reach the bed. A few moments later, Nicole finally caught up to Camilla and entered the room, out of breath. Realizing the heavy atmosphere, she felt a shudder run up her spine and she tried to make herself scarce at the fringes of the room, but no one paid her any mind.

"Poison... is it true that you were poisoned!? Are you truly alright!?"

"I'm fine. Camilla, I'm sorry, for making you worry like this."

Alois was awake, lying slightly propped up in his bed. He was wearing white clothes as if he had been brought to a hospital back in the royal capital. His voice didn't tremble, but the colour had been drained from his face and his eyes looked haggard. It was a hard sight to bear.

"It really isn't anything worth worrying about, though. I barely swallowed any of it. The doctor told me to rest just in case."

"How is this not something to worry about!?"

"It's nothing to get into an uproar about. As you can see, I'm alright."

"Lord Alois!?"

She wanted to say more, but Alois shook his head. Camilla could scarcely believe what she was hearing. Alois was the lord of this land. What's more, a Duke with royal blood. And such a man, someone had tried to poison him. How could a matter like that be dropped simply because he was still alive?

Somebody had undoubtedly tried to murder Alois. They had aimed for his life. This was absolutely something to get into an uproar about.

And it didn't seem as if Camilla was alone in that way of thinking.

"That will not do, Lord Alois."

It was Gerda who spoke next. She stood a little away from the bed, but she emerged from the shadows of the other servants to step forward and speak.

"We must find the culprit who poisoned you. An investigation should be conducted, and the poisoner identified as soon as possible."

"That's not needed. I don't consider this to be a serious matter. I am telling you now, I am ending it with this. Also, no one shall speak of this outside of the mansion. Make sure everyone else is aware of that."

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