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The meal was almost a riot.

In a dining room next to the large kitchen all the children were sat at the same long table.

Before the children, the gently simmering soup and sliced up bread had been placed. In the center of the table, there was a large omelette based dish, garnished with salted cabbage and fried beans.

But, you couldn't see even a trace of that neatly plated food now.

Even after cooking and serving the food, Camilla and Alois were kept busy.

"Geh, carrots hate."

"Don't be so selfish! They're only small portions, so just swallow them without chewing!"

Camilla scolded a child trying to throw away the carrots on their plate But, since they hated carrots so much, they cheekily yelled 'No!' and kept trying to do it anyways.

She was about to keep telling them off, but suddenly voices were raised behind her.

"It spilleeeeeed!"

When she turned around to look at the voice that cried out, she saw Alois racing over as far as his heavy body could take him. Just as she was looking, she suddenly saw a boy reaching onto the plate of the girl sitting next to him.

"Ahhhh! He took my breaaaaad!"

"It wasn't me!"

"It was you! I saw it clearly!"

Saying that Camilla rushed over to the boy to scold him. But, before Camilla could get there, the boy wolfed down the bread he'd taken and played dumb.

"I don't know what you're talking about? There's no bread."

As the boy mumbled that whilst trying to hide the sound of his chewing, the younger girl burst into tears.

"Why are you making your younger sister cry!?"

Camilla flicked the boy's forehead. But, the boy didn't stand for it.

"Why do I have to be nice just 'cause she's my sister? Because she's younger than me? I want a reason, a reason!"

"A reason, you say?"

Camilla pinched the boy's cheeks hard with each of her hands. Then, as she grinned straight in his face, the boy suddenly felt a little frightened.

"The older brother who bullies his younger sister should have no complaints about being bullied himself, right?"

The boy looked up at Camilla. Even if he spoke rudely, he's still just a little boy. Camilla is big enough that she looks terrifying as she loomed over him. The boy's shoulders stiffened and he tried to pull away.

"Now, if you understand, then hurry and apologize properly. I will not bully a child who can say sorry. From now on, do not take food without permission, either. Am I clear?"

".....I'm sowwy."

The boy sobbed and turned to apologize to the girl. As he was doing that, a clamour started up again somewhere else.

As Camilla turned to look for the next source of trouble, she caught Alois' eyes as he was looking her way. But, it was just a fleeting gaze. Alois suddenly had to respond to a child screaming across the table and he rushed over.

The sounds of plates and pots being stacked on one another mixed with the sound of running water, filling the silence of the now calm kitchen.

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