Chapter 16 - Hunger Pains

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My alarm beeped for too early for me. I had an awful sleep, being way too warm to get comfortable. It took around a minute just for me to gain an active sense of mind. My morning routine was rather robotic, doing things one by one as if they were on a checklist. Even my stndard large breakfast was just another thing to check down before I left for my class. Knowing it wasn't safe to drive in my current state, I decided to walk to my class instead. 

I waited for my class to begin, being seated in what had become my normal spot. On the whiteboard it indicated what was entailed for us today. A partner activity where we had to draw something based on the descriptions of a famous painting, taking turns in the describing and drawing roles. It seemed interesting, until I realized that I had completely forgot about mine and Trista's agreement when she walked in. We both knew not to interact with each other, so avoiding her wouldn't be hard, it was going to be finding someone else that was going to be tricky. I didn't really remember anyone else's names from our ice breaker activity on the first day so I was stepping into open territory. 

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all are ready for a lovely weekend,. Unfortunately, this class stands in your way until then so lets just get right down to business. I take it you all saw what was on the board?"

The class collectively gave a slight nod.

"Good, good. Now do you want to pick your partners or just have them randomly picked?"

Nothing but silence.

"Looks like random pairings it is."

"James you'll be with Angel, Amber you'll be with Trista, Tony you'll be with Mindy..."

I stopped listening after my name was called. I didn't mind the random pairings as it didn't force me to pick someone on my own, but now I was left with someone brand new to me. I didn't even know what Tony looked like, but it looked like he was coming to me so I didn't have to worry. 

"Okay, do you want to draw first, or do you want me?"

"Uh... I don't mind."

"In that case I guess I'll draw first then." 

My indecisiveness seemed to get on his nerves a bit, but thankfully he seemed pretty straight forwards with his intentions. Just get the project done. I described "Still Life" using only vague shapes and lines to Tony as he drew. I wasn't able to see what he was drawing, making it extra challenging to guide him. After a while we switched while he described the painting he chose. Our interactions were that of normal classmates, which only reinforced in my mind the unqiueness of mine and Trista's first interaction with eachother. 

"Okay now that it seems like everyone is done, swap your drawings, and turn the thing your partner drew into your intreptation. You can work on your own now."

I realized that my descrption must have been really bad when I got back an abstract assortment of circles and lines. The way in which one of the circles was drawn reminded me of bubbles so I went for an aquatic vibe. One hour later and I was finished, and I was pretty happy with the result.


I was a little hungry, but not enough to warrant my stomach growling. As I left the class it continued making noises, with a partivularly loud one as I sat at one of the tables. I had some brief work to do and I wanted it done before the weekend and before my work shift. Some textbook reading, an essay, and an online quiz were all things I had in line. My reading went by fine, but I couldn't concentrate on my essay at all. 


I was too hungry, and I needed to eat right away. I overheard earlier in class that Henwin had a small food court in the next building so I started my trek there. The food was supposedly quite expensive, but I just wanted anything that wasn't from McBurgers. The walk was short, but I was quite astounded by what I saw. The university always looked a bit dated to me, but as I walked into the next building I remembered that it wasn't the arts program that the school got its money from. Pristine white walls, a massive skylight, tons of work spaces and all with a modern decour. Ironically the arts building looked traditional in comparison. I noticed the three restaurants close by and I made my way. Two coffee shops and a health food place made the options a little less than ideal, but I noticed one of the coffee shops had some pastries in the display window so that made it easy to decide which one to go to.I was still really tired so a coffee wouldn't have been bad anyways.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?"

"Can I get a large double-double, a chocolate frosted long john and a rainbow chip cookie please?"

"Sure thing, that'll be 18 dollars."

They were not kidding about the price, but another rumble from my stomach made me forget the poor financial decision. I took a picture of the long donut and cookie, and soon posted it on my online stuffing account,

"Just a small snack : )"

I wanted to build up momentumn so I wanted to post frequently no matter how mundane it was. As long as my viewers got a hint of me gaining weight they should be happy, but I knew it would be hard to please. A fat pill would make my journey a lot easier but the enjoyment of doing everything myself did have a certain flair to it. 

My coffee was okay, but the long john and cookie were actually pretty good. The long john was nice and fluffy, while the cookie had a strong crunch. I dipped the cookie in my coffee before tasting my poor decision. The rainbow chips didn't mesh well with the high heat and melted all over the cookie, but it still tasted decent. I was not full at all, but it would tide me over till supper. I felt a bit reinvigorated and coniued working on my essay before heading back home to get ready for work.

Another walk, and I was back at home. My shift was pretty soon so I wanted to get ready. My work jeans were not tight on my legs or butt, but my belly pressed against it pretty good. Looking at myself in the mirror, I had to say I looked pretty attractive by normal conventions. Having a bit more in some areas made me look a lot healthier funnily enough, despite my eventual intentions. 

Work was the same as always, but I brought my laptop to work on some schoolwork instead of going on my phone. I actually was able to finish everything in the time it took for the dinner rish to start. Usuals were served, with some more recent people showing up again too. Maybe Davie's was getting a bit more traction? Regardless, the last person left a couple of hours before my shift ended, and I was starving. My manager must have heard my stomach as he told me I'd be closing.

"Minds have a free meal tonight on the house, it sounds like ya need it. This place is getting busier and busier I'm tell'in ya."

"Thanks boss! Have a good weekend!"

A free meal was just what I needed, and my belly was speaking a need for something big. The Big Dave was a giant steak that was a "secret menu item" that really couldn't be ordered. It was just what the staff called when we served a massive steak. Considering it wasn't ordered all too much we tried to give as much as possible if it went bad soon. I knew the steak hadn't been ordered in a while meaning we had a large slab ready for the trash. I felt a little guilty abusing my free meal with the largest thing, but I was too hungry too care.

"Hey mind if I get a Big Dave for myself?"

"Really Mindy? You couldn't just let this one go right before the weekend?"

"I'll have a medium rare to make it go faster."


"I'll close for you next time too..."

"Sounds good."

A bit of cleaning later and the chef emerged with the giant slab of meat. It took up most of the plate, leaving not much room for fries. I started to dig in, first getting a bit of sesame sauce to really make things good. The steak was not to my prefered style, I liked just a medium the best, but it still tasted fantastic all things considered. I ate fast, trying to shove things in before I would start to feel it a short while later. Forkful after forkful, I made my way through, finishing off with not much room to spare. I still pushed myself a little further and finished off the small amount of fries. The chef had left by this point, leaving me alone, but I felt like I had accomplished what he deemed impossible for me. It wasn't even that much compared to prior stuffings, but it was nice to feel full after all of today feeling hungry.

My stuffed work belly made for another excellant opportunity to post a picture of myself online. I  never wanted to manipulate angles or anything to make myself look bigger, but I couldn't help but sit down and lean a bit to see the rolls be a bit more developed. 

"Stuffed with so much food. Can't wait to be like this again tomorrow!"

I noticed a small viewer increase, which was nice to see. It made me feel a lot better to see people actually want to see me gain weight. Such a taboo thing normally, but seeing the small community encourage me directly made it feel a lot less weird. Things were going good, step by step.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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