Chapter 7 - Heart to Heart

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"Mindy, that's umm. . . different?"

"I know , I'm sorry I called you here! I just, I don't know, it's what I want but I know that you would think of me as some weird person! I want to be your friend Trista and I know it's been so fast but I didn't want this to happen later down the road! I'm sorry."

I was ugly crying at this point. Red face, snot running out of my nose like it was a marathon, and so many tears that my vision was translucent.

"Mindy. . . it's fine."


"It's okay. People like different things, and if this is what you want, I'm here to support you. I don't get it personally, but if you need me in a role to help you, I will. I'm just going to ask, why me? Like I like you and all, but surely there is someone else that has known you for longer?"

Trista grabbed a box of tissues that were by my bed, setting the box beside me.

"I don't Trista, I don't. You in one day payed more attention to me than anyone else in my whole life."

"What about your parents?"

"They don't care about me! They just wanted some perfect child that never did anything but listen to them! Whenever I wanted to do something they shot it down for no reason, I never did anything interesting. I only moved here just to get away from them, I wanted to be me!"

"Here, you need this."

She wrapped her arms around me, and hugged. I hugged back, squeezing as hard as I could. We held on for a while before we both let go.

"I . . . I . . . I needed that, thank you."

My breaths were slower and more full at this point. I was starting to regain some composure.

"Trista, I've never had a friend. I needed to know that I wouldn't lose the only one I ever had to something I couldn't compromise."

"It's fine Mindy, I'm here for you. Friends are hard to come by, and good ones are even harder. I made friends all throughout my teenaged years, but none of them are around to this day. You valuing our friendship so much so soon, and to come out showing your true self right away. . . I've never had somebody to that. Mindy, you trusted me, and I'm going to make you worth your trust."

We hugged again. I never felt so loved, or love at all before. I needed to say something."

"Trista. . . I don't know if it's too soon but, I love you."

"Mindy, I-. . . I- I love you too."

The hug progressed into a kiss, my first kiss. Our tongues met and I could feel the warm embrace that was being shared. I never have treasured a moment so much."

"I do have one question though."


"Why do you want to get fat?"

"Well, umm, how to put this? It's sort of my kink? More fetish really. I just want to get, bigger, like way bigger."

I opened my fridge which was showing the discarded bags and bottles from my snacking earlier today.

"I ate all of this today, I ate four meals yesterday, and Trista, I love it!"

I lifted up my shirt to reveal the little bit of belly fat that slightly rolled over my jeans.

"I found this about myself only a few days ago, but it made everything click. It's just, what I knew I was always meant to be. I don't think I've officially gained any weight yet, but I know I'll get there."

"Is this why you were so willing to share my meal yesterday?"

"Ye- yeah. I feel like I took advantage of you. I- I'm sorry."

"Y'know. It's fine. If you want to get fat, I'll help you. I don't get it, but I've never met someone quite like you Mindy. You are straightforward, honest, and I feel like if we are going to be friends we should help each other with our goals."

"Trista, thank you for everything tonight. So much has happened so fast, I just can't believe it."

"Thank you Mindy. It'll be nice to have someone like you in my life."

Trista headed towards the door. I did call her over pretty late so it was understandable wanting to leave right now. 

"Mindy, let's meet tomorrow at my place. Maybe we can even have a meal, or in your case maybe two?"

"Trista, thanks for understanding. I'll be happy to come over! Also any additional meals would help this growing girl!"

We both laughed. I couldn't have asked for a better resolution. 

"Life's weird, but it has it's way of doing magic. In my case it made me meet the adorably sweet Mindy."

"And for me it made me meet the most supporting Woman in the world."

We smiled before the door was closed, ending the night for good. I sat on my bed, and let out the biggest sigh of my life. In just three days I had discovered the missing piece of my life, met my first friend, and now girlfriend? It wasn't set-in stone but I imagined that with the kiss and all that it meant something. I guess I'm also lesbian now? Bisexual? I don't know, but there was something like that too now. 

I was a little overloaded with all of this, but it all just felt right. With Trista supporting me and me trying to get fat, it felt like everything was set for my journey. I felt hungry, so I grabbed and finished off the root beer. This time, it felt good- no, perfect. My little belly hanging over my jeans became hardened with the remainder of the pop. That feeling of wonder spread throughout my whole body, I was fully invigorated and committed to getting fat.

A new start of my life was about to take place, I just knew it. With Trista's support and my new willpower, everything was right. I knew it was finally time to start my journey.

It was time to gain weight.

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