Chapter 13 - Reality

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Chapter 12 is NSFW and is available on my Deviantart account. No major details are developed so feel free to skip if needed.


It was odd waking up with somebody beside you. It really felt like I finally cemented myself as an adult. I never expected to be sleeping with anyone for really my whole life. I never found the conventional guy "hot" and even the pretty girls never did anything much for me. Trista was different though. She wasn't just amazingly attractive, she was creative, honest, and trustworthy. I may still be exploring my own sexuality, but I knew that whatever it was, Trista fit the role. 

Trista's attitude and actions did change last night though. I had never seen her with such authority, with such a commandeering presence. I had no idea why her sudden shift, why she wanted to feed me. Seeing as she was just starting to get up as well, I figured now was the perfect time to ask.

"Good morning Tristy!"

"Ooh, I have a nickname too now?"

"Why not? Minds and Tristy!"

"Sounds good!"

I decided to wait for her to get dressed before pestering her. In the mean time I got to see the aftermath of the stuffing last night. While in the shower I examined every part of me, looking for any noticeable changes. My belly was still a bit swollen, but I felt the same amount of hunger as normal. There was no noticeable weight gain on my thighs from what I could see, and my boobs looked the same as always. I knew you didn't just gain weight in a pinch, but it would be nice for me. I was a bit disappointed considering how much I ate but it would be a pipe dream to expect anything so soon. I got dressed in my normal attire, jeans and a plain shirt, this time green. It was time to find out what was up with Trista.

"Hey um, Trista?"

"Yeah Mindy?"

"I just want to ask you a few things."

"Mind doing it over breakfast? We do both have a class soon."

"Sure, let me just get it ready."

I was a bit taken back. I was ready for a serious conversation, but I guess Trista was right. I felt a little weird getting my three packs of ramen while Trista was there with a small bowl of some leftover cereal. 

"Quite a bit of food you got there."

"Just my normal breakfast, got to get chubbier somehow!"

As the water boiled I decided to ask the questions now.

"Trista... I love you, I do with all my heart, but-"


"I just want to know what was with you last night? Like I enjoyed it, hell I loved it! I am just a bit flabbergasted with what happened. Like you said you weren't into my thing, which is fine, but then you play into it? Were you lying? I don't know what to think of it."

Trista sat there with a blank stare. It looked like she knew this was coming, but didn't want it to. I felt bad about asking just from the expression alone. 

"Mindy... I don't know myself. I was very curious about your thing so I searched it up myself. What I saw just intrigued me. The relationship between a feedee and feeder seemed so... close? The dependance that they had on each other, the feeder needing the pleasure of feeding and the feedee needing the support, it just spoke to me. I still didn't want to get fat, but I appreciated  fat and chubbiness in a new way. I imagined you Mindy being fatter. Picturing your joy and fullness, and it brought me joy. I figured if I'm supporting you already why not make it more personal? As your girlfriend I just want to see you happy, and I figured that being a feeder would help us. Plus getting to have that much control over you during the stuffing, it made me feel a connection I never had before. Sorry for not telling you sooner, and for rambling. I just... I don't know, want you to succeed and I-"

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