Chapter 10 - Stuffed

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Waking up on Mondays will never get easier, but I tried to get up as fast as I could. While most of my classes were not synchronous, meaning I didn't have to attend any video calls, I still had work that needed to be done by certain time points. I wanted to also eat a massive breakfast, so I needed to get ready as fast as I could if I wanted to get everything I wanted done. 

I got on one of my normal pairs of jeans, along with a yellow crop top. I never wore anything beyond the simple variations of a normal shirt, but I got this crop top for my birthday one year so I figured I might as well wear it. Looking down I saw my stomach overlap the top part of my jeans. They were definitely harder to get on this morning, still easy but the amount of effort was increasing. 

My meals were going to be very similar on school days, yet they were cheap and high in calories. Instant ramen, along with the oils that came inside the package, packed close to 400 calories each. I decided that if I at 3 things or ramen for breakfast and lunch on weekdays, and leaving something else for supper, I would only run out next Wednesday. I started boiling my kettle while I browsed online. I forgot to upload the pictures I took of myself during my donut stuffing yesterday. While it didn't show the fullest me it definitely showed me more stuffed than my last picture. I tried out a more suggestive title, hoping it would bring up some more views.

"Had a few donuts. Just one or two, or ten . . ."

I was pretty pleased with the end result, but my fixation was quickly interrupted by the sound of the kettle clicking. I normally ate my ramen with only a little bit of one of the sauces, it tasted better to me that way, but I knew that dousing both packages of sauce would greatly increase the calorie count. The ramen tasted decent, a little over sweetened by the full amount of both packages of sauce but I didn't really mind. I was still quite hungry after finishing my first package, actually I was still really hungry. While my weight had barely increased, my appetite was showing a tremendous growth. Ramen package number two came and went, and I was still a bit hungry, not even full. The third ramen was a bit harder to eat, but it went down without too much of a struggle. I was now pretty full, but I decided to grab a glass of orange juice anyways. The juice provided me with a few vitamins and contained quite a lot of sugar, making it a more  "healthy" option in gaining weight.

My online classes were nothing much to talk about. A generic English class and some other art course were all I had today. My English was only graded on four assignments, making it a pretty low effort class. My art class, in this case art technologies, was something I was already very much so familiar with. Digital art was my bread and butter in high school, so a class focused on learning how to use programs online wasn't going to teach me much I didn't already know. Still, both classes gave me enough work until lunch.

 Lunch was mostly the same as breakfast. The first ramen package finished with ease, the second one finished with no effort, and the third one taking a bit of effort. Despite the bland taste I had already consumed my recommend amount of daily calories in just two meals. Everything I ate after supper would only help add to gain, so I wanted to stuff myself silly. I had some tubs of ice cream, 15 to be exact, so eating some of those would be a start. I remember seeing a thread on some site saying that actors ate melted ice cream to gain weight for certain roles. I figured it would be worth a shot, especially considering each tub was around 1000 calories each, so that should be enough to fill me up. I did work today, and I knew that I would starve if I didn't eat something there. I had one bag of leftover chips from my earlier grocery trip, so I decided one of those bags should do.

I got my uniform on and noticed the small bit of fat overlapping my black jeans. My work shirts were a little short, so my little roll of fat could be easily seen. I couldn't believe I was already outgrowing some clothes, but I couldn't get ahead of myself. I didn't want my manager to notice this so I would have to be careful around him. While our uniforms were relaxed my managers wanted us to still be professional, and an exposed bit of belly was definitely not professional. I was going to be early, but I figured I might be able to leave sooner so I headed off to work.

The shift couldn't have dragged on any longer. My manager didn't notice me, so that was good, but it didn't help that there was nothing to do. My chip bag was getting smaller and smaller, and by the time the dinner rush came it was already gone. Marty came in with his wife, Bella, on Mondays. He still ordered his usual, but his wife would try and get him to order something different every single time. Sam and the rest of the regulars didn't show, a standard on Monday. I was only lift with five total customers the entire night. Thankfully, my manager allowed me to leave a bit early as a result of closing up shop on Friday and for coming in sooner today. I tried not to speed as I drove home, my stuffing was so close and I was starving!

I didn't even bother to get changed, I grabbed three tubs of ice cream right away and heated them up in the microwave. I decided on vanilla, chocolate, and coffee, some standard yet delicious flavours. A few minutes later and my first one was ready, it was time for my largest calorie dump yet! 

The vanilla ice cream was my first pick. It was simple, but it seemed like the perfect pick for my first one to eat, or more so drink. It was still pretty thick, but it went down easier than I thought. Just like the éclair, I felt my stomach expand with each swallow, a feeling only the heaviest of creams could provide. It was gone sooner than I expected. It was pretty filling, but the second one should go down without a problem.

The chocolate ice cream was my next pick. I loved chocolate so I couldn't wait to dive into this tub! I brought the tub to my mouth, providing a constant pour of cream down my throat. It was easy to swallow, but the feeling was too good. I placed my hand on my stomach as I felt my belly expand. My jeans were getting pretty tight by this point, but I kept them buttoned. I loved the  tightness of the waistband as it collided with my expanding stomach. I was quite full by this point, but I knew there was more work to be done.

I loved coffee ice cream, and I figured it'd be best to save it for last. I wasn't able to continuously drink it down like the prior two, I needed to drink it in spurts. I found the taste to not be as good as when frozen, but the coffee ice cream still provided a pleasuring taste. Around halfway through the tub it was getting hard to drink. My belly felt expanded to its limits, and the pressure was too much on my jeans. I unbuttoned them and my belly immediately spilled out, automatically unzipping  my pants. As much as I wanted to drink the rest of that tub, I knew it would make me sick, halting my weight gain for a bit. It pained me to throw out the rest of the tub but I had 12 others left and I knew it'd be unsanitary to keep it after having it not frozen for so long.

I was exhausted. I was stuffed to the max, and I couldn't move. My belly was filled to the point of making me look pregnant. I almost consumed 3000 extra calories today, almost an entire pound! Knowing that I would be close to 4 pounds fatter by the end of the week comforted me. My efforts would eventually yield their results, but I just needed to be patient until then. 

I took a video of me rubbing my bloated belly. It would help me gain a bit more traction online, which would hopefully help me monetarily as well. As I uploaded the video I was in awe at my size. My work jeans being unbuttoned, my stomach as round as a beach ball, I looked fantastic.

"Can't wait for this to be a normal thing. More of me to come in the next few days!

With my caption set, I tried to do my nightly routine. I decided to just shower in the morning, and I did a pretty loose brushing while also skipping out on floss. I just wanted to sleep. The pain I was feeling from being stuffed was offset by my own lust for more fat. I was getting bigger, and I couldn't be happier

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