Chapter 11 - Domination

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My phone was buzzing but not to the sound of my alarm. I figured it was probably a phone call, a rarity for me nowadays. It was 6:00 AM so it was still a while before I normally got up for school. Picking up the phone I realized it was Trista.


"Hey Mindy, I, umm have a question."

Trista normally talked with a degree of confidence. Her hesitancy made me curious.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can I, how to put this, feed you tonight?"

I was taken aback. Trista showed support for me but never had outright engaged with me much.

"Absolutely, I would love it! Now I have a question of my own, why are you calling me this early."

"Mind if I tell you later Mindy? I have a lot on my mind and I don't know exactly."

"That's fine, I'll see you tonight!"

"Love you Mindy!"

"I love you too Trista."

I was intrigued to say the least. Trista wanting to feed me was a goal for much later down the line. I couldn't think as to why she wanted to now. 

With me already up I decided to have one of my three ramens to make it easier for later. I was dead tired, almost 100% due to having my sleep interrupted. I would be pretty mad if it were anyone else but Trista, but our conversation was still lingering with me as I waited for the water to boil. One ramen pack later and I was off to sleep again.


Two hours later I woke up from my recovery nap. Now that it was my actual time to get up I could go through my morning routine. My saved time in eating a bit of my meal was offset by me needing to take a shower. I kept seeing my belly grow a little bit everyday, even if it was just a millimetre, I noticed. I poked around myself more, only noticing a bit of growth in my thighs. I knew one day all of me would grow, but having only a slightly chubby tummy comforted me in the mean time. 

I boiled my water as I started setting up for my schoolwork. Tuesday only had one class, history of art. It was the class I looked forward to the least. While I was interested in the overall topic, I heard nothing but bad things about the professors. Having to pay for an expensive book didn't put the class in too high regard for me either. My assignment for the week just stated to read the first chapter of the book and write an essay on any topic relating to it. The lazy approach to the teaching already made me worry already, but perhaps I was being too harsh for only my first day of this class.

My water finished boiling which meant it was time to finish the other two packs of ramen. It was a bit receptive eating the same thing over and over again, but I didn't have much choice in the matter economic wise. I was feeling full, but not stuffed after finishing both packets. Eating the first one earlier really helped, maybe I should do that more often?

After finishing my assigned reading for my class, I had nothing to do until I met with Trista. I decided to tidy up a bit on my housekeeping. Idid a load of a laundry, washed and dried any dishes, and cleaned up the bathroom. While boring to do, it was a necessary evil.

I hadn't gotten dressed yet, so I decided to wear my pink short shorts again today. I think Trista liked them, and if I was seeing her later tonight I wanted to look my best for her. I had to wear them with a belt again, although I noticed I had it slightly looser than before. Three more holes and then I wouldn't need a belt at all! I wore one of my plain white shirts again, with them only being a little more snug. Overall, I thought I looked good, hopefully good enough for whatever Trista was feeling.

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