Seven - Fixing Your Relationship

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Neil: You didn't have to wait long before you heard from Neil again, in fact, he called you the next day after school before your parents got home. "Y/N! I'm so happy you picked up," he told you on the other end of the phone. "Why'd you call?" You asked him, unsure of where he'd be going with this. You knew things would be so much easier if he just left you alone. "I got it all sorted out. With Nolan, and my father." "What do you mean?" You asked him, your eyes squinting in confusion. "I stood up to my father for once. I mean, it wasn't a pretty conversation by any means, but I got his permission." He seemed ecstatic on the other end, talking fast and not making a whole lot of sense. "Neil, you're going to have to break this down for me a little better," you told him. He spoke up again, "I told him that I'm in love with you." You felt your heart soar in your chest as he continued. "That I'm not going to give you up, that I'd rather give up acting if I had to. We argued back and forth, but he finally came to terms with it. He told me that you and I are allowed to date as long as my grades don't start dropping. Isn't that wonderful?" By that point, you'd finally allowed yourself to smile. You didn't realize how much you were hoping Neil would work something out until that moment. Before that moment, you pushed away your feelings, telling yourself you'd be okay without him. But now you knew you didn't have to give him up. "Y/N, are you there?" Neil asked you, bringing you back to reality. "Yes! Of course!" You smiled even wider, trying not to think about the fact your parents still had no idea. "Neil, I'm so happy to hear that," you told him. "So when can I see you again?" He asked you, and the two of you planned out your next date.

Todd: Todd refused to talk to you again after the argument with your brother, and it killed you so much that you knew you'd have to approach Gerard and talk to him about how much he hurt you. You found yourself at Welton the following Saturday morning, stopping your brother before he went out on the field for his next soccer game. He didn't look thrilled to see you, trying to shoulder past you. "I have to get to warm-ups!" He told you, shaking his head from side to side. "Gerard, just listen to me! Dammit!" You yelled at him, and he finally stopped, looking at you with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed. "What?" He asked you, maliciously. You caught sight of Todd behind your brother at that point, walking alongside Neil towards the field. Neil caught your eye, stopping in his tracks for a moment. Todd also spotted you as soon as he noticed Neil's sudden odd behavior, except Todd immediately looked away and ignored you. You frowned, hoping that he'd even still want to be with you if you could convince your brother to allow it. "I want to be with Todd. He's sweet and I really like spending time with him." Gerard wasted no time before answering you. "You know Mom and Dad's rules, though. We're supposed to focus on school." "Yeah, but they don't have to know." You told him. He tried pushing past you again, but you grabbed his arm. "You don't have to tell them." "Yeah, and get in trouble with them too as soon as they find out?" "They won't find out!" You argued, desperate to convince him. "Please, can't you just let me be happy? You should be glad it's one of your friends, and Todd at that, instead of some boy you've never met." Gerard shook his head at you, still not happy. "Please, Gerard..." you pouted, trying another tactic to convince him. Luckily, your brother was a softie, and he couldn't say no to you anymore. "Fine! I guess, whatever!" He threw his arms up. "I won't tell Mom and Dad, and you guys can do whatever, just don't be all lovey dovey in front of me, okay? I might vomit." You let go of his arm and he finally made his way over to his group of friends. You ran up to Neil and Todd before Keating called them over to warm-ups, barreling into the shy boy and wrapping your arms around him. "I convinced him!" You shouted, excited, noticing Todd's tense body relax underneath you. It surprised you, but also thrilled you, when he wrapped his arms around you too and asked, "really?" You nodded, not daring to move from his arms, but he was being called out on the field at that time, so he released you and said, "We'll talk after the game, okay?" You both smiled at each other and you agreed, excited to watch him play soccer again, except this time he was actually all yours.

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