Three - What He Thinks of You (So Far)

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Neil: "Fellas, I just met the most amazing and gorgeous human being on the planet," Neil said to his friends as he arrived back at the shower rooms at Welton that same evening as the first practice. "Well, I met her/him/them during auditions, technically, but I really really met her/him/them tonight." Knox spoke up first, his head in the clouds. "I doubt s/he's/they're as beautiful as my lovely Chris." "Or Chris's even more lovely best friend," Charlie grinned fondly before straightening himself out and looking at Neil. "But I'm really happy for you. You'll have to tell me all about her/him/them! Like hotness level on a scale from one to ten?" Neil ignored his friend and dashed over to Todd, fixing his hair in the corner. "You have to meet her/him/them! I insist!" Todd shrugged, amused at his friend. "Well, sure. But I probably won't get the chance until the night of the play. You know, homework and stuff." "No, I've got to ask her/him/them on a date! And then you can meet the lovely Y/N." Todd grinned at Neil, tilting his head in confusion. "You want me to go on the date with you guys?" Neil pondered it for a second, then shrugged with a grin. "Why not?" Todd squinted his eyes at his friend, unsure of what he meant. "Neil, I was joking." "I know that, of course!" Neil chuckled. "But seriously, you need to see who I'm talking about. I've never met anyone so amazing!" Neil could not stop thinking about you after that evening, in a kind of lovesick puppy way that Knox was about Chris before they became a thing.

Todd: Todd liked that you noticed him and spoke with him each of the times you saw him, and he often found himself thinking about you while he daydreamed in class. "You know Pitts isn't going to be happy," Neil told him in their room one evening as he zoned out again. "Excuse me?" Todd asked his friend. "I know you like his sister. You're really easy to read." Neil told him confidently. "What makes you think that?" Todd couldn't believe his ears. He hadn't made it obvious, he didn't think anyway. But he also couldn't deny it to Neil because he'd be able to tell he was lying. "Do I really have to tell you how many times I noticed you staring at her during and after the soccer game the other day? Or how red your face gets when she talks to you? Pitts may not see it yet, but I certainly do." Todd shook his head. "Just don't tell him. It's not like I'm going to do anything about it, anyway." Neil smiled, an idea clearly brewing in his head. "Yeah, I know you won't do anything about it—" "Neil, don't!" Todd yelled, cutting his roommate off. "Just leave it. I don't know why you can't just butt out of my business." Neil shrugged, saying, "Cause I know what'd be good for you." Todd nodded, "Yeah, and getting on Pitt's bad side is exactly what I don't need right now." He ended the conversation there, not wanting to discuss it anymore, though Todd couldn't get you off his mind any better than before.

Charlie: After you had fallen asleep on Charlie's shoulder in the cave, he knew there'd be no chance he'd sleep that night. He kept thinking about ways for you to officially be his, but he also didn't want to scare you off by asking you on a date so soon. He finally decided the next time he saw you, he'd bring it up to you. He didn't like having to wait for what he wanted, but instead dove right into things head first. The following morning at breakfast, the rest of the boys smiled at him, some of them slapping him on the back to congratulate him since he pretty much had already won you over. Knox spoke to him first the next morning, "You know Chris said Y/N definitely has a thing for you, so I don't know what you're waiting for." "All good things come in their own time, Knoxious," he told his friend. "And for your information, I plan on asking her/him/them as soon as I get the chance." He knew he wouldn't see you again until the next Dead Poets meeting, and he didn't think he'd be able to wait another entire week to tell you how he felt.

Knox: Knox had always seen you as his best friend and never considered you as anything more than that, though he did notice that you'd been curt with him lately. He thought he'd done something wrong or something to hurt you but he couldn't figure out what it was. He brought it up to Meeks and Pitts one evening while studying, and Meeks immediately said that you were probably jealous. Knox shook his head quickly, "I'm pretty positive that's not it. Y/N and I feel the same way about each other. We're not allowed to like each other." "No?" Meeks adjusted his glasses. "Are you confident about that? It is kind of questionable that Y/N started growing distant ever since you developed your little crush on Chris." Knox couldn't focus on his homework anymore, saying, "Okay, first of all, it's not just a little crush I have on Chris, it's pure love I feel for her. And as for Y/N, I think you have it all wrong. It's probably just because I've cancelled our plans more frequently." Meeks concentrated on his Latin homework, mumbling an "mhmmm, keep telling yourself that." For the rest of the evening, Knox felt confused, not knowing what he was going to do if you truly did like him.

Meeks: "So are you going to tell us what that was about?" Charlie asked Meeks as soon as you'd left their hallway. He grasped the book in his hands, still in shock that you'd shown up yourself. "I-I'm just borrowing the book," Meeks told his friends, trying his best not to stutter. "So they felt the need to bring it to you in the middle of the Junior hallway?" Pitt's eyebrows were raised as he questioned you. Meeks shrugged, hoping you had meant something by delivering the book to him personally, but he also sold himself short. He didn't think there was any way someone like you could like someone as nerdy as him. He really thought you were cute, and he enjoyed that you both had the same tastes in books. "His cheeks are turning red!" Neil exclaimed while Meeks got lost in his thoughts about you. "Sooo, when's the wedding?" Charlie asked him, and Meeks decided he'd had enough of his friends, telling them to shut up and walking back to his room, where he opened the front page of the book to see you'd written "Call me sometime" with your number underneath. His heart started racing at that, and he didn't know what he was going to do with you because he'd never been in that situation before.

Pitts: Just as you rode away on your bike with Amanda, Pitts turned to Charlie and Meeks, his shoulders falling cause he knew he'd never get a chance with you. "I really like Y/N. And I don't know what to do about it," he said. "Amanda would kill me if I stole her best friend away from her." Charlie shrugged it off, saying, "You've gotta do what makes you happy." Meeks agreed, trying to cheer his friend up. "It's just... I've never felt so strongly about anyone before," Pitts continued. "I've liked Y/N ever since I could remember. And I think she might like me, too. Maybe." He didn't sound sure about it, knowing how unlikely it was that someone would have a crush on him. "She's been smiling at me a lot more, and going out of her way to see me. Is that a good sign? Should I ask her on a date?" Meeks thought about it for a second, not the best at giving advice. "Well, you know what Keating would say. Carpe diem." "Yeah," Charlie agreed, as they began walking back to the entrance of the building. "You can't just let her get away." Pitts considered those words the rest of the evening, knowing he wouldn't be able to hide his feelings for you too much longer.

Cameron: Cameron typically had no problem focusing on homework and studying, but for the rest of the evening, he struggled to finish his Trigonometry assignment and the poem due the next day for Keating's class. He found that he wanted to include you in his poem somehow, but he just couldn't figure out how. He'd never had to be tested on love before, and he didn't know where to start with it. He finally scribbled what sounded like nonsense on a piece of torn paper, after seeing it was past 1am on his clock and Charlie was complaining about the lamp still being on because he was trying to get his "beauty sleep". He dreamed of you that night, when he finally drifted off. He dreamed that he went into Keating's classroom the next day to meet up with you and go for a walk, but when he arrived you told him that you'd never like him because he was a goody-two-shoes and you preferred bad boys, leaving hand in hand with Charlie instead. When he woke up, he was more scared than ever to go see you again, though he still couldn't deny the feelings he felt towards you.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if these sucked, I feel like they do. I promise the next one will be better! I really just wanted you all to see into the minds of the boys for a second. The next one will be about them asking you on a date, or the equivalent of that depending on where things stand between the two of you right now (Knox's case may be a little different, or it may not, who knows).

Please don't lose hope, though, I have a lot more in mind for these stories! And let me know if you all would prefer shorter chapters, like just a few sentences rather than the longer paragraphs that I've been writing. I know that's typically how imagines work. I'm still really new to this and I'm not sure what will work best, so feedback is much appreciated! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

With love <3

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