Two - Seeing Him Again

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Neil: You finally heard back from the casting director that you had scored the part of Hermia in the play. You were ecstatic, thinking about how much fun it was going to be working in the auditorium for the next few weeks, meeting new people and making new memories. Then it hit you that you'd be seeing a lot of that Neil boy you met during the auditions. At the first play practice, he came bounding in right on time, and you were scared he wasn't going to show up. You wondered why he was always so late to things. When he saw you, he grinned and came to stand by you while the directors of the play began walking everyone through the scenes. After a couple of hours, you were dismissed from practice, and Neil stopped in front of you, still carrying his signature smile. "Y/N, right?" He asked. You smiled at him, too. "Yeah, and you're Neil?" You already knew it was correct, but you didn't want to seem to crazy or overconfident. He nodded. "That's me! Or you can call me Puck. And I could call you Hermia." You giggled nervously, his eyes still shining. "Whichever works," you told him, happy you already have nicknames for each other, despite the fact they were just your characters in the play. "So, you're from around here, I'm guessing? Ridgeway High?" He asked you. You nodded, wondering if he also went to your school and you somehow just overlooked him, though you didn't understand how that could be possible, considering how cute you found him. "Right, and I go to Welton." Oh! His lateness made more sense. "Except we all call it Hell-ton, because, well, I'm sure you can put the puzzle pieces together." You giggled again. "I've heard plenty of boys call it that. I'm glad I don't have to attend a school like that." "Tell me about it!" He laughed nervously, finally at a loss for words as he studied your face, the adorable smile never leaving his own face. Finally, he seemed to snap out of his trance, speaking up again. "But, I do have to get back, now. I'm sorry. Until next time, Hermia!" And with that, he turned and left with the same intensity in his step as when he arrived earlier. You couldn't get him off your mind no matter how hard you tried.

Todd: Your brother had a soccer game that following weekend, and you begged your parents to let you go. They finally said yes, after you reassured them that your grades were still as high as ever. You really just wanted an excuse to possibly see the cute shy boy Todd that you met earlier in the week. You didn't really get the chance to talk to him and you were hoping you could change that today. None of your friends from school were able to leave campus because they were behind on homework, so instead you found the only one of your brother's friends who wasn't on the soccer team, which was Cameron, and sat by him during the game. "So, what do you know about that Todd kid?" You asked him, hoping it wouldn't be too obvious that you thought he was cute. Cameron laughed and said, "Not much. He doesn't talk to anyone but Neil. I swear they have something going on." Your heart dropped. "Wait, like romantic?" Cameron shrugged, and at that moment, Todd scored a goal, Neil running up to him and giving him a high five and a large smile. "I don't think romantic. Just like best friends. Neil's never said anything about liking other guys." He yelled after that, cheering on his friends, catching Todd's eye for a moment. When he spotted you, his face turned beet red and he looked away quickly. "Wait a minute," Cameron pondered, looking at you. "Why do you care?" You knew Cameron was brilliant, scoring some of the highest grades out of each of the 7 boys, though you prayed he wasn't smart enough to pick up on your crush. You hesitated, not able to think of any reason quick enough. It was all it took to entertain Cameron. "You have a thing for him, don't you?" "N-no." You stuttered, not wanting your secret to be spilled to the rest of the guys, especially your brother. You knew he wouldn't approve, as he's always been overprotective of you, especially when it came to dating. "Uh huh." Cameron was amused, distracted momentarily as he yelled at his team again, just in time for them to score once more and win the game. The crowd was cheering crazy loud now, but you still tried to scream over at Cameron, "Don't tell anyone!" You didn't know if he heard you or not, and before you could say it again, he took off towards Charlie and Meeks to give them a bear hug. You decided to go congratulate your brother, whom you found standing next to none other than Neil and Todd. "Good job, guys!" You told them as worry filled your stomach about Cameron spilling your secret. Gerard picked you up and gave you a sweaty hug, telling you he was glad you could make it, and once he put you down, you looked straight at Todd, desperately wanting to say something to him before you went without seeing him again for weeks or months or however long it would be. "Good job on your goal. It was incredible." Todd's mouth opened like he wanted to say something, but instead he dropped his head and turned away in embarrassment, Neil answering for him. "That's his way of saying thank you." You didn't get another chance to say anything else to him and you left Welton's campus in worse shape than when you arrived, not knowing if you would ever have a chance with the timid boy.

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