Chapter 16 Last One

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Athena's POV

We went back to the house to see if they were back yet. We walked in and saw them all sitting down on the couch. I gave them all a hug and said hello to everyone.

"Athena. Said Rose." "Yeah." "Did you have fun. Said Emmett." "Yeah I did." They smiled at me. "Athena. Said Izzy." "Yeah." "Did you break your curse you seem different. Said Izzy." They all looked at me

"Did you. Said Alice." "Yeah I did." I looked down. "Why. Said Edward." "Their was a guy try-." "You killed someone Athena. Said Izzy." "But I didn't mean to." I felt like I was gonna pass out. They were all staring at me.

Then my dad picked me up. "She's not a killer. Said Dad." I laid my head on his chest. "And for you to say she is-." "Klaus. Said Mom." "So what happened then. Said Edward." "Their was a guy trying to kill Hope and Athena so she used her magic that was the only best option. Said Mom."

They looked at me. "Is that true. Said Bella." "Yeah it is. I didn't mean to do it." "It's alright luv we know you didn't mean too. Said Bexs." My dad passed me to Elijah and started to speak to the others. He didn't want me to hear what he told them.

Then he came and grabbed me back. "Luv how would you feel if you came and stayed with us for a little bit. Said Mom." I smiled at her. "I would love that I would get to see Hope more right and you guys too."

They all laughed at my excitement. "Yes you would darling. Said Kol." "Then yes."

Time Skip

Y'all ended up dating some guy.
You switch back and forth between the Cullen's and Mikelsons. You and Izzy don't really speak to each other after she called you a killer.

Sorry for ending it .

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