Chapter 7

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Athena POV

"Well they raised me but I was always left out of everything. I didn't really get along with them all because of my wolf side they don't like werewolves especially Roseline." "Well it doesn't matter because that's who you are and nothing can change it. Said Hayley."
I got to know Hayley a little better. We were talking when Izzy walked in. "Hey Athena they want you downstairs. Said Izzy." "Alright thank you Izzy." I walked downstairs on saw my mom waiting for me. "Hey mom what's up." I walked over to her. "Have you practiced your magic today. Said Rose." "Not yet I was gonna do it in a little bit." "Alright just wanna know. Said Rose." "Yeah ok well I'll be in my room." I walked back to my room and sat down to practice my magic when I heard a knock. "Can I come in. Said Freya." "Yeah sure." She came and sat next to me. "Wanna practice together. Said Freya." I smiled at her because I never had anyone to practice with only my teacher. "Yeah I'd love that." We started to do some spells together. Till we both got tired. She put a silencing spell on my room. "Wanna know something. Said Freya." "Sure." "I wasn't always with them. Said Freya." "What do you mean." "Well when your mom was pregnant with you guys I found you them they didn't believe me at first they slowly started to trust me as the year's went. Said Freya." "How come your their sister." "Because when I was little your great aunt Dahlia kidnapped me and used me for my magic. Said Freya." "Why that's mean she was your aunt." "Because your grandmother Esther did something and so she took me as exchange so I was with her for thousands of years. Said Freya." "How did you survive." "Well I would sleep for a thousand years then wake up. When I woke up I came searching for them your mom was the first was to welcome me to the family. Said Freya." "Why didn't my dad or uncles or aunt." "Well they didn't know if they could trust me they didn't know if I would betray them but they eventually trusted me. Said Freya." "I'm sorry you had to go through all that." "It's alright it's not your fault. Your acutally the first one to know about that. Said Freya." "I'm glad you told me." I smiled at her then gave her a hug. "Let's head back down shall we. Said Freya." "Yeah we should." We got up and went downstairs. I saw everyone in the living room. "I practiced my magic Freya helped me." "Good job. Said Rose." I didn't know what to call her anymore I mean she raised me then theirs Hayley she's my mother too do I call them both mom or what.


I went outside to paint for a little bit for myself when I saw Kol come out and over to me. "Hey. Said Kol." I looked at him. "Hey what's up." "Nothing just came out here to hang with you their all boring don't tell them i said that tho. Said Kol." I laughed a little. "I won't." "What are you doing. Said Kol." "Well I'm painting." "How about we do something fun together. Said Kol." I looked at him interested. "Like what." "Let's get Hope involved and we could prank your parents and aunt and uncles. Said Kol." I smiled at him. "Yeah let's do that." We walked inside. "Hope come with us to my room." She got up and we walked to my room. "What's up. Said Hope." "Well we are going to prank your parents and aunts and uncles want in. Said Kol." She smiled at us. "Yes I want in what's the plan. Said Hope."

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