Chapter 23: Break in

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Asher's POV:

I drive home this time, Owen and Olivia are singing to the radio but I have pack business to think about so I don't join them. We drive past the bottle shop and I buy two nice bottles of wine, one for myself and Olivia and one for Owen as a thank you for coming with me. I think he would have preferred a bottle of whisky, I'll have to remember that for next time, Olivia likes wine that's the only reason I got two.

We park outside the house and I instantly know something is wrong. Some of the plants have been torn out of their beds, a window to the downstairs bathroom has been smashed in and the door is open.

"Olivia, stay in the car and lock it after Owen and I check the house. Wait here until one of us come to get you!" I command, for the very first time I use my alpha tone on her. I never wanted to do this to her, I have always wanted her to have free will. No however, all I think about is my mates safety. We are fully mated now and the bond runs through my body so deeply that even the thought of her getting hurt breaks my heart and makes my wolf howl!

As Owen and I enter the house, I mind link everyone in the pack to go to their homes and to stay there until further notice. I don't give them a reason but they will know it's serious as I rarely command the pack to do such things.

I can smell her, Maggie. "Alpha" Owen says as a respond to my menacing growl. He knows to call me Alpha in this moment and not joke around. I explain that I know it was Maggie, my brothers mate. We check the whole house and the only other thing that has been messed with other than Downstairs window is our bedroom and Olivia's suitcases.

Maggie clearly didn't head my warning to her the other day. She must be punished for this. The pack need to see that no wolf can respect anyone's mate the way she has, regardless if they are a Luna or an omega. I will not accept this sort of behaviour in my pack.

I ask Owen to calm some of the protector and guard wolfs from the pack to stay around the house and for Owen to select someone to stay with Olivia at all times until Maggie has been dealt with. He is a good Beta and gets on with it right away.

I leave the house and see a nervous looking Olivia I'm the front seat. I can feel her anxious energy through our bold so I try to portray calmness so she can feel that ok our end radiating from me. I know on the window and she unlocks the car and jumps into my open arms.

I cradle her to me and kiss her forehead a few times. "I want you to stay at your parents tonight, I'll send Owen and a pack guard with you. Other guards will watch your parents house. I need to deal with Maggie, she is responsible for this. And before you say anything, this is her fault not yours. She hasn't learnt to manage her emotions like and adult. I need you to be safe and you will be with your Dad, Owen and of course Jack".

She just nods, gets out of my arms and stands on her tip toes to kiss me. "Please don't be too harsh on her, what I did to her and Sterling really hurt them. Please remember that, I am not innocent here. I'm so sorry Asher." She says softly and I love her so much in the moment. "You'll make a great Luna to our pack Olivia" I say and Owen comes out of the house and he drives her to their parents house with 3 guards in tow.

I shift to my wolf form and run, I run to Maggie and Sterling's house and howl in the back yard to announce myself. Sterling comes out in his human form and throws me a pair of swim shorts. "She knows she messed up, please don't do this. She's sorry. She won't do it again. I didn't know, I would have stopped her." Sterling rushes trying to change my mind. "If she's sorry she will come out here and apologies to her Alpha" I growl.

I here foot steps and a few moments later I see a crying Maggie. I think she's only crying so her punishment is worse. She doesn't say anything though and clings to Sterling's right arm with both her hands and is trying to hide behind him.

"I Alpha Asher of the Nightwalker's pack command you to stay with the neighbouring pack for 4 weeks to learn about the pack and report back. You will not take Sterling with you and you may have no contact what so ever. This is an order and any disobedience to this will see you thrown out of the pack." She sobs and Sterling growls at me.

"I wanted to send her to the cells for 2 months but Olivia reminded me to be less harsh due to circumstances..." And Sterling stops his growling at this. We all know mates can physically feel the separation of one another if too much distance is between them and no communication will make the feeling even more intense. However 8 weeks in the cells, with little light and rogue captures will do jo one any good.

This way she can learn about our possible new pack which can actually add value to our pack. I spoke the Alpha of the pack we just visited and he thinks it's a great idea and will keep her out of trouble. It should also deter any future wolfs that are up to no good in my pack.

I leave after Maggie has packed a bag and one of the guards picks her up to drive her to the neighbouring pack.

I know Olivia is safe and happy at her parents house. I mind linked Owen and everything is fine, I also asked him to share what punishment Maggie got with Olivia and the family. Knowing Olivia is happy right now I shift back into my wolf form after telling Sterling it's going to be ok, this won't cause a bigger wedge between us and run back to our house.

I spend the next few hours cleaning and tidying all the mess and damage Maggie left in her districting path. I want Olivia to come home to a clean house, I only ever want her to see it this way as I want my mate to feel safe in our house at all times. I love her so much.

His Brother - My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora