Chapter 3. Sleepover

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"Calm down Sterling" I whisper in his ear "I'll be across the hall in Ashers room, he said he'll take the couch and it's better than not being near you at all. Maybe we can make pancakes together in the morning?". I know he would rather me be in his room, I hope he knows I want that too. "I'll sneak into your room in two hours once our brothers have had a few drinks so they don't hear me in the hallway". "Hurry up Olivia, don't make me wait too long" Sterling says with yearning in his voice. We get up off the couch and Sterling leads me upstairs.

We have a quick make-out session in the hallway before I hear Asher clear his throat and point to his room. "Good night Olivia, see you in the morning" he smirks knowing I'll be sneaking into his room soon. Luckily Ashers back is turned to him so he didn't notice. I just blow a kiss as a response before walking into Ashers room.

I haven't been in Ashers room in a while. It's not what I expected, it is very tidy, a king size bed with navy sheets on it. A candle on the bedside table that smells like the forest. "Here, you can wear these" Asher says whilst placing some clean shorts and a T-shirt on his bed. "The bathroom is through there and you'll find fresh towels on the shelf and a new toothbrush in one of the draws" whilst pointing to a closed door.

"I can take the couch you know, or even go home or better just stay in Sterling's room. It's your house, I didn't mean to kick you out of your own room", I say hoping he'll say I should stay in the room across the hall that is Sterling's.

"I offered, didn't I?" , is all he responds. "Owen and I are downstairs if you need anything. Help yourself to anything that you need.", he says walking out of his own room. "Enjoy your drinks with Owen" I mumble looking at my feet clutching the clothes he gave me. Where did that come from? Since when do I look at my feet instead of looking people in the eyes?

I'm ready for bed, sneak on over when you are ready.
I love you Olivia.

Asher has just gone downstairs. I'll get ready for bed and come on over after they have had a few drinks.
I love you and I can't wait to cuddle all night.

I walk into the Asher's ensuite, it's large with a tub and shower. I step out of my clothes and turn on the shower. I can't help but laugh at the thought of the she-wolfs my age in the pack knowing I am sleeping in the future Alphas room. They all throw themselves at him, I however only have eyes for Sterling. I help myself to a fresh towel, before looking for the new toothbrush Asher was telling me about. I search the top draw, a razor, shaving foam and a comb. The next draw has the toothbrush he was talking about in it, it also has a packet of condoms in it.

Blushing once again, how often has it been today? Is this what he meant when he said I can help myself to anything? Who has Asher slept with in the pack? I know some wolves save them selfs for their mate, a part of me is saddened to think that Asher isn't one of those. Wait, I can't think like that. It makes no difference to me. The packet is closed, would he notice if I take one?

I get into Ashers bed and notice how good it smells. I can't help but lay in the middle of the king size bed, stretched out like a starfish. I hear laughing coming from downstairs, that means I can tip toe across the hall soon.

I tip toe run across the hall not closing Asher's bedroom door behind me, the boys are still laughing downstairs so I think I haven't been caught. I don't bother to knock on Sterling's door, he knows I'm coming. I hear heavy breathing indicating he is a sleep, my face falls a bit as I thought he would have stayed awake waiting for me. I slip in next to him under the covers and give him a kiss whilst wrapping my right arm and leg around him. I hear his wolf start to purr, before he opens his eyes and starts kissing me.

We start out softly but I roll on top of him deepening and speeding up our kiss. His hands move to my ass and as they land his eyes open, "are you wearing my brothers clothes" he says in disgust. "Well I didn't want to sleep in my jeans", I reason with him. "I just wish you were in my clothes, all I can smell is my brother on you now", he says. I think he's exaggerating as they are clean clothes, but I also would rather he had offered me clothes to sleep in.

"I found condoms in your brothers room you know", I'm looking at him through the dark to try and gage his reaction. "Olivia, what are you doing? Don't tease me like this" he moans whilst flipping himself to be on top of me. "I thought we would wait until we are 18?" He asks me. I know we have talked about it, but why wait? I know I will always be with him and maybe, if the moon goddess does exist that will prevent her from assigning me a 'mate'. "Is it because you want your first time to be with your 'mate' and not me?" I push him. "Olivia, that's not what I meant. Remember, you and me together forever. I know this is important for you and that you don't believe in mates. I promise you that you are the women for me. I promise you that if the moon goddess does exist and she hands me a mate that isn't you, I will reject them and accept you fully as my mate" he says with love in his voice.

My heart fills with joy when I hear Sterling say those words and make the promise to me that I also made to him a few weeks ago. I run my hand up and down his chest before pulling off his T-shirt completely. I can feel him move above me, trying not to let me notice his erection but I'm happy I make him feel that way. After 10 more minutes of making out we say I love you before we both drift off to sleep in Sterling's bed.

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