Chapter 13: Stay

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Asher's POV:

"Stay" Olivia whispers not lifting her head. Wait? What? Did I hear that right? She wants me to stay? My heart beat increases with happiness and my wolf is jumping for joy. "Can I sit with you?" oh no, am I asking for too much? Am I pushing my luck to far?

She scoots over on her double bed, nearing the wall making space for me. I slowly get up and sit in her bed with my back against the head board. I pull the blanket over her, she must be cold and in response I can't a small smile from Olivia. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" I say whilst looking at her, will she ever forgive me?

"I wouldn't have listen you know" and I just laugh at her response. That is exactly what I thought. "He loved you, but it's good that he is with his mate now" I say, trying to reassure her that Sterling will get past this and that she will too. "Are you ok with the fact that I'm your mate?"'she asks me. How can she ask me this? Of course I am, I will always love her and take care of her, she she not know that? As a response I put my left arm around her and to my surprise she leans in and her head lands on my chest.

I breath in her sent, I haven't been this close to her since I found out she was my mate. I inhale deeply and that's when I smell it more so than ever before, I can smell my brothers scent on her. Wait does that mean they had sex together yesterday? I try my best to control my self, she didn't know I was her mate, I can't blame her for this. I obviously know they had sex before, but I thought it was just that one time after Sterling rejected his mate as both sets of parents for bad sleepovers between them.

I held in every snarl, growl and other me using sounds in that anted to escape my lips. I didn't want to frighten her and most of all I didn't want to punish her for something that she was free today. It was my choice to wait for my mate, sure I had hoped my mate would do the same for me but I have to get over this. This doesn't change anything I keep reminding myself.

"I'd like to show you my home sometime, if you'd like that is" I tell her. I'm ready for a women's touch in my home. My mum has offered to help me decorate but I wanted Olivia to make the home into what ever she wanted. "I'm sorry I never visited since you moved. Something in my stopped me, you know, deep down I think Mia, my wolf knew I had a deeper connection with you than with Sterling. I had to fight her on it all the time, that's why I've hardly shifted the last two years as Mia always wanted to run off to you and leave Sterling. Maybe I shouldn't have fought it and let Sterling be happier with Maggie earlier" Olivia answers.

"Hey, we all know now and Maggie and Sterling have the opportunity to be happy together. I want everything to go at your pace, I'm hoping we can get to know each other and not just in the our family have been friends since we were little. I'm hoping you'll let me get to know you in a deeper level, I want you to get to know me. Olivia, would you like to go in a date tomorrow evening?" if the other packs Alphas could see me now. But I am not embarrassed, not I front of my mate.

"You know your my Alpha, you could actually order me to go on a date with you? I appreciate that you are leaving the answer up to me and I would like to go on a date with you. I just need this to go slowly, you know I've had my heart set on Sterling for so long" Olivia just said yea to a date. I am so happy. "You set the pace sweetheart. Please know that I am not your Alpha, I am your mate and you are my equal. If you accept me and our mates bind you will be my Luna, the packs Luna. So no, I will never use my Alpha tone on you as to you that is not who I want to be for you. For you I want to be a man, you mate and you partner. I want to be the man who is there for you when you are down and I want to be there for you to celebrate your successes. I want you to have a choice in this, in us, I Alpha Asher am only a normal loving man to you and not your Alpha" I confess my heart out to her.

I guess I've had nearly four years to think about what I want to be for her, 4 years to learn to live her outside of the mates bind from a distance. I can't ask her or expect her to catch up in a day, but I hope with time she may someday have some real feelings towards me too.

"Sleep, we can talk more in the Morning" I say before kissing the too if her head. I check her reaction to the kiss and she kisses my chest every so quickly and softly that it was nearly there. Right where her head was resting but it was enough to send goose bumps down my spine.

I slide down the headboard so I'm lying flat and take Olivia with me. I want her to be comfortable and to have a peaceful sleep even though I'm sure we will be up in only a few more hours. Olivia doesn't object and surprises me when she covers me in the blanket she is curled up in. She didn't need to do that, I only care about her being comfortable. She rests her head on my arm her noise nearly in my armpit and the last thought I have is that I'm glad I showered before coming over, then we are both fast asleep.

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