Chapter 15: First Date

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"You look beautiful" Asher says as he opens the door of his car for me, that's something Sterling never did for me but I guess we just went from friends to a couple without the formal dating. Stop comparing I remind myself once again. "Thanks, so what's the plan?" I ask whilst tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I thought we could go strawberry picking, there's a nice spot just off the pack land. That way we haven't got the pack watching and it's really peaceful out there" he says just looking at the road a head of him. I don't know what I was expecting but not something like this, I guess I thought we would go out for dinner but this is so much more, me. "I love strawberries! We could try make strawberry jam if we bring enough home?" I ask in delight. "Anything you like sweetheart" he says now beaming at the excitement he hears in my voice.

We drive in silence for a bit until I interrupt with a question that's been burning in my mind, "What have you been up to these past 4 years? Dating wise? I'm sorry you had to watch my relationship with Sterling grow these last 2 years". I see Asher shuffle in his seat uncomfortably and holding the steering wheel that little bit tighter at my question. "Well, as you know I had a girlfriend when I turned 18. That's when I realised we were mates so I let her go because I wanted her to find her mate. The next two years I stayed away from all girls, I wanted to, save myself for.... Anyway, once I knew you and Sterling were more than just friends I tried to distract myself as I knew I wasn't going to tell you that you were my mate. You were too young and it wouldn't have been fair for me to tell you" he answers with little emotion in his voice.

"What do you mean when you say 'distract yourself'?" I ask just needing to know as he knows most things about me as I dated his brother in front of his nose. "Well, I dated a few of the girls in the pack. Nothing serious and I never went on more than three dates with any of them. I didn't want the relationship to progress in a way I could never take back. I always hoped you and Sterling wouldn't go through with your mate rejection packt so I tried my best whilst waiting. I don't want to keep secrets from you, so even though it's not easy to tell you I dated other women I will always be honest with you" he says uncomfortably.

Without thinking I place my hand on his knee and we both take a deep breath in at the tingles we are both feeling in our body. Neither of us have gotten used to that. "Thank you for sharing. I understand, I mean you watched me with him for two years. Of course you dated people during that time" I say and think back to the condoms I found in his ensuite, I guess he kept himself busy.

"Here we are" he says and we go to the entrance. Asher buys us a bucket to fill and we walk to the furthest row of strawberries from the entrance. I'm amazed at how comfortable we are around each other, I know that we have known each other my whole life but this here, feels different. Asher bends down to pick a huge ripe amazingly juicy looking strawberry but before he can reach it I push his hand out of the way and pluck it my self. "Oh no you didn't" he says whilst laughing out loud. "What are you going to do about it?" I say turning on my heels and running away from him. It doesn't take him long and he catches up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I squeal and he spins me around. I still have the strawberry that I stole from under him in my hand and we both eye it.

He moves his open mouth towards my hand holding the strawberry and eats the whole thing in one go apart form the leaves. I can't help but laugh and drop the stem with the leaves on it. "Here, let me" he chuckles and places each of my fingertips on his mouth and sucks of the strawberry juice off them, I must have held it a little to tightly whilst running. I let out an involuntary moan as he repeats the action on my third finger, Asher just looks up to me and smirks when he is finished. "You missed a spot" as I say holding up my other hand and before he can respond I run that finger down his chest, over his white button up shirt.

"Your going to be the death of me. Remind me never to wear white around you" he roars with laughter as he picks up a strawberry and throws it at me softly but hard enough to make a red stain. "Asher" I shout but he's already running for it. Game on I think. We act like this for another 5 minutes before we get asked two leave buy the teenager at the front desk. He said he was worried about us trampling the strawberries, we saw his point and left hand in hand still laughing.

I point to a sign for the corn maze and we decide to give it a go. I try to pay at the entrance but Asher stops me, "Sweetheart, please let me. What's mine is yours" he says and I blush as he pays for our tickets. I made a bet with Asher, we would start at different entrances and would meet in the middle. Whoever would get there first gets to decide what we do next, there's a bbq stand, markets and a bar to choose from.

I mind link him when I'm at the opposite entrance so we start off at the same time. I take off running, I have to beat him. I really want to go to the markets and have a look at some of the hand crafted pottery mugs but I have a feeling he wants to stop at the bbq stand and get ribs. Typical alpha werewolf I laugh to myself. It's been 5 mins and I'm still not in the centre, surely he isn't either. I bump into a few people and am tempted to ask them but I don't want to cheat. The competitive side of me is struggling with the thought that I might not win this corn maze race.

I finally get to the centre and put my hands up with joy of coming first "Woooo" I shout, then I realise Asher is already there and looks like he's been waiting for a few mins already. He just laughs at my happiness of seemingly coming first, well second. "So bbq ribs it is I'm guessing?" I smile at him, maybe we can get a pottery mug after that. "Actually I thought I would choose something else, I did win after all" he slowly leans in closer to me, allowing me time to register what he is doing and looks me in the eyes waiting for a response.

I give the tiniest of nods and he closes the tiny gap between our lips. His lips are plump, warm and a little chapped. He allows me to set the pace, but I want to give him that control back. I have never felt this way before. In this moment I fully change my mind about the moon goddess. We stay kissing like this for a while but then a family joins us in the middle of the maze and the dad coughs, telling us to get a room a think.

He gives me a piggyback ride out of the maze and I rest my hands on either side of his neck and I can feel him purring. Never in a million years would I think I'd experience my Alpha purring underneath my hands. He's 198cm tall, broad, tan and has messy dark brown hair but the same blue grey eyes as Sterling has. Everything about him is perfect and I can tell he's strong by how easy it is for him to give me a piggy back ride.

He let's me go and says "here are the car keys, I'll meet you there I have to go to the bathroom". I take the keys and joins me 15 mins later at his car and puts something in the boot. I guess he went back and bought strawberries as we never picked any.

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