Chapter 6: Camping

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"Let's go" Owen shouts putting the last tent in the car.
"Bye mum, dad" the three of us shout to them from the door. We drive the 45 mins in the car to the campsite next to the lake. I think the boys are half our snacks for the trip in the way there.

"Jack, help me unload the car and set up the tents, Olivia you ok with the camp fire?" I nod in response to Owen. I walk into the woods a bit collecting firewood, I walk aimlessly considering letting Mia back into my kind. I forgot my headphones in the car. I collect as much firewood as I can carry and get back to the camp site.

"Sterling" I say whilst smiling at him, "what are you doing here?". "Owen told us you guys where camping tonight so we thought we would join you, it's been a while" Sterling says. "Us?" I ask as I see Asher get up behind the forth tent just being put up in answer. I forgot about Asher and go up to Sterling for a hello peck on the lips. He still looks sad and I know he still wishes I had woken him. I hope Asher didn't tell him I submitted to him.

"Four tents, I'll share with Sterling" I say grabbing his hand whilst we walk to the others. "No" Asher and Owen say at the same time. "You are sharing with Jack" Owen says. Jack actually looks disappointed, I know he wanted to share with his older brother. I just roll my eyes as does Sterling whilst squeezing my hand tighter.

Sterling and I build and light the camp fire whilst the other three go for a swim. Sterling and I cuddle up to one another on a blanket I brought with me leaning against a tree. We talk about last night and Sterling says he forgives me for not waking him and that he is sorry he got upset about it. He said Asher said it happened so quickly and that he said I don't even know what is happening and that he didn't want me to accidentally run off pack land. I sigh, relief but also sad, Is that really why he came for the run with me and Mia. I can't help but glance at Asher whilst Sterling and I are cuddling, the sun starting to set.

Asher is a little taller than Sterling, maybe 5cm, I'm not trying to say Sterling ain't tall enough. Sterling has beautiful dirty blonde straight hair whilst Asher has dark brown curly hair. Asher's skin is a shade it two darker than Sterling's but what I notice most is Asher's abs. Why though? All I want to concentrate on is Asher, but Sterling is my wonderful boyfriend and we made a promise to one another that we will keep.

"Olivia, your dad called me. He asked me to link you to the pack mind link" Asher says whilst getting out of the lake. Sterling growls as soon as he heard what Asher had to say."Let's wait until Dad is home, there really is no rush." Sterling replies as I burry my face deeper into his neck. "Hey Sterling, that way we call talk all night long", I mumble into his neck. "Haha, I can't wait for that" Sterling says before kissing my cheek.

As Asher has Alpha blood in him and is representing his father whilst the Alpha and Luna are away, Asher is able to link me to the pack mind link buy making a blood pack. I get up from cuddling Sterling and walk over to Asher, to my surprise he leads me away from the others. "Are you ready Olivia?" he says holding out a sharp knife to me, "now that you have shifted you'll heal really quickly after you make the cut so we have to be quick". I can feel Sterling's eyes on us, I wish he could link me in instead of his brother. I feel like this will be a an intimate moment between Asher and I, but I remind myself that everyone has to go through this. If I would do this with Alpha Brett I definitely wouldn't think it was intimate so why think it now?

I nod I response to be ready, I cut my hand say it draws blood and Asher quickly does the same. We place our cuts to one another and Asher says, "I Asher son of Alpha Brett link you to the pack link of the Nightwalker's Pack". I feel the link form and look up to Asher who has a nearly pained expression on his face.

'Olivia, cute butt you got there' I hear Sterling mind link me for the first time. 'Stop staring at me' I mind-link back but give a little wiggle which makes him audibly laugh. Asher gives me a disappointment look, I think he knew I wiggled for Sterling. We walk back to the others, Owen and Jack are out of the water now and Jack is handing round a bag of marshmallows.

I snuggle back up Sterling and whisper in his ear, "do you want to see my wolf? We could go for a walk whilst the other make dinner. Well if they don't fill up on marshmallows first". Sterling just purrs in response, then getting up and giving me a hand to pull me up. He slings me over his shoulder and starts running to the edge of the clearing we are in.

"Where do you think your going, it's getting dark" Asher questions, his Alpha tone coming through. "Our wolfs want to meet" Sterling replies now walking into the forest. "Olivia, I'll close my eyes whilst you shift then I'll go next, let's leave our clothes here" Sterling points to a fallen tree. I undress beging a tree, not wanting Asher or my brothers to see me before shifting.

Mia takes over, 'we should mine link Asher to join us', I just roll my eyes at her comment. I can't wait to meet Sterling's wolf. I turn to see a large, broad really dark grey wolf. Mia trots over to him and we sniff each other. Sterling's wolf tries to lick our face but Mia snaps at him. "Sorry, I don't know what my wolfs problem is. It's only the third time I've shifted" I mind link Sterling. "Don't be sorry, let's go for a quick run before dinner". It's so nice to beaver to be together in wolf and human form, I really do love Sterling.

After a ten minute run where we kept trying to out run each other we shift back into our human forms, Mia unhappy that the run was so short. The bots have made a basic campfire dinner of sausages and sweetcorn by the time we get back. We eat, tell jokes, stories and laugh till it's getting late.

'Olivia, come to my tent in an hour when the others are asleep' Sterling mind links me. 'See you soon, and warm up the sleeping bag before I join you' I mind link him back.

An hour later I unzip the tent and don't wake Jack up as I leave. I tiptoe over to Sterling's tent and unzip it before crawling in. I squeeze into Sterling's sleeping bag and we start to make out without saying a word to one another. I roll on top of him and our hands explore each other's bodies over our clothes. I feel his hips move below me and have to remind myself that we said we will wait to go any further until we are 18. "I love you Olivia" Sterling moans between kisses. " I love you to".

"What are you to doing in here together" we wake up to Asher's deep rumbling voice. I quickly get out of the tent not looking at Asher. It's a long morning until we get back home.

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