One - How You Meet

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Neil: You had a dream of becoming an actor/actress and finally gathered enough courage to audition for a part in A Midsummer's Night Dream. You didn't have any part in mind, you just wanted to be in the play and told that to the casting directors as you stood up on stage. They had you read from a handful of parts to get a good fit for you, and just as you were reading the last part, your eyes fell on a boy bounding in the front door of the auditorium, a large smile on his face. You hesitated for only a second, startled by the door opening, but picked up again quickly. He stopped in his tracks when he realized he had interrupted, and he watched you with an intensity in his eyes, making you nervous. The smile had never left his face, and you felt a hot blush creep up into your cheeks. When you finished, you could barely focus on the casting director congratulating you on your spectacular audition because the mystery boy came bounding up to you right after and told you passionately, "That was amazing! Utterly astounding!" You blushed some more, noticing how cute he looked with a few strands of brown hair falling down into his face. You couldn't help but love the way his eyes squinted as he smiled at you. He seemed like such a genuine, carefree person. He auditioned and got the part of Puck right away, to which you had to find him and congratulate him afterwards. His smile seemed even wider than before, and you felt butterflies inside your stomach as he stuck out his hand. "I'm Neil, by the way." "Y/N," You replied. He held onto your hand a few moments too long, but you didn't mind. He pulled away once he noticed and his face turned red for just a second. "Well, it's very nice meeting you Y/N. I hope I'll see you again soon."

Todd: You and your parents stopped at Welton, your older brother Gerard's school so they could discuss his failing grades with his headmaster. Gerard was only a year older than you, but you knew you excelled at school better than him, attending Welton's sister school across town. You didn't want to go, but your parents forced you to go so you could "talk some sense into your brother" and give him some sort of studying tips since you made perfect grades. While your parents met with Mr. Nolan in his office, you found Gerard on the school grounds outside with a group of his friends. You recognized Meeks, being your brother's best friend since 7th grade. You also recognized Neil because you used to have a crush on him and his outgoing personality. You were glad to see your crush had faded. You had no chance with him anyway since he went to Welton. However, one of the boys you didn't recognize at all. You'd never even seen him before. He sat in the grass with his friends, off to the side closer to Neil than anyone else. He had his head in a book and seemed extra shy. "Look who it is!" A boy who you remembered to be Charlie exclaimed. Gerard snapped his head up and immediately let it drop again once he realized who was walking up to them. You knew he'd get a severe talking to from your parents before they left, and he no doubt dreaded it. "Little Pitts!" Charlie exclaimed again, a large smile on his face. They all called you that, ever since you could remember, even though you stood nearly as tall as your brother. "Mom and Dad aren't happy," you told your brother, taking a seat next to all of them. At your voice, the quiet boy finally looked up away from his book, too. The sound of a girl's voice must've shocked him. "I know," Gerard replied, head still down. Meeks spoke up in his friend's defense, "They should cut him some slack. He's trying his best." You continued catching up with your brother's friends, not bothering to give Gerard any study tips, until finally Neil spoke up in excitement. "Oh! Y/N! You haven't had the chance to meet Todd yet, have you?" He put a hand on the quiet boy's shoulder, Todd apparently, and he looked extremely uncomfortable hearing his name spoken. "It's nice to meet you, Todd. I'm Y/N." Todd's face flushed and he muttered a "Nice to meet you, too," before burrowing back into his book. You couldn't help but find his shyness adorable and secretly hoped you'd be able to visit your brother more often now.

Charlie: You went to Ridgeway High with your best friend Chris, who'd just dumped her long-time boyfriend Chet Danburry. She didn't seem upset about it because she had moved on quickly to one of the brilliant boys studying at Welton named Knox. You hadn't met Knox yet, besides the day he stood in front of your classroom and read a poem out loud to Chris. You couldn't believe she'd agreed to leave Chet for him after that embarrassment. After a couple weeks of them dating, Chris asked you if you were interested in going out to one of their club meetings with her over the weekend. When she said it was in a dark cave in the woods, you laughed and asked her, "Seriously?" She smiled at you and nodded. "It's actually a lot of fun! They're sweet boys, really. And cuuuute." She raised her eyebrows at you because she knew you'd just gotten out of a horrible relationship with a jock named Randy, who cheated on you and now flaunted his new partner on his shoulder everywhere he went. You chuckled at your friend's lame attempt at trying to get you to go, but you said you'd go anyway. Cute boys was always a good reason to go somewhere. That Friday night, you met Knox at the edge of Welton's campus by the woods, and he led the three of you through the snow and the trees down the river towards the cave. The entire time Chris held onto Knox's arm and giggled with him, making you feel like the third wheel in the back. You finally reached the cave, where boys were chattering and one in particular was blasting a bunch of nonsense out on a saxophone, a beret on his head. His eyes met yours and he stopped blaring the noise. "Whoa, Knoxious, why didn't you tell us you were bringing such a stunning woman/man with you?" He winked at you, and you couldn't help but blush as you looked away, noticing the other boys staring at you in the same awestruck manner. You sat down next to Chris and Knox, who hadn't answered the boy yet. He began playing a soothing melodic tune on his saxophone, surprising you that he could actually play. The whole time he had his gaze fixed on you. When they finally called the meeting to an open, the saxophonist came and sat next to you, placing an arm behind you carefully, not exactly touching you but showing you he's interested. "The name's Charlie." He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. "Y/N," you replied just as quiet. "A beautiful name for someone just as beautiful," he scooted even closer to you, and you didn't mind. Chris turned to look at you and gave you an all-knowing smile that said 'I told you so'. Of course she had to be right about the cute boys.

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