Chapter 2

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Content Warning ‼️ (sex scenes, r@pe, sexual assault, and drinking)

Amelias POV:

Saturday, May 29th. 2:43am

•A few hours after Auden left them with their drinks•

How much have I drank? I feel like I can hear colors now. That sexy bartender brought us a couple rounds of shots, and these hot guys kept buying me some cocktails aswell. Whats this cold feeling on my thigh? I swear to fuck if  one of the girls spilled their drink on me, ill curse them.

"Comeonn on Melssssss"

      No. No no no. Not him. Anyone but him. Get your slimy hands off me right now Blake.

"Letz jooo to the bathroooommmm" 

      I felt every ounce of blood and water in my body tell me to say no, and leave. But the amount of alcohol running through my veins, didnt give me a yes or no choice.

      Blake put his hand on my arm as he pulled me to a standing position, me leaning onto him as im too unsteady to stand myself up with mw own body strength. I kept making slight moans as a sign for him to not touch me, but as he is drunk aswell. He has decided not to listen to me. Its almost like my calls for help, were his encouragement.

      His hands snaked down to my waist, he held me onto him keeping me up. I was so out of it that im pretty sure I could imagine him as someone completely different. His face was now on my neck, him attacking it with his rugged lips.

       I could feel him suck and bite here and there. His tongue sneaking out, licking the spots on my neck before he would continue to suck and bite at them. My hands found his shoulders as they shakily tried pushing him away, not that I had a chance anyways.

      Its almost like my body just wanted to power off, every touch I gained from Blake causing me to feel more ugly. My eyes started to water, I tried looking for the girls, begging them to help me.

       Bec. Becca please. Your emerald eyes, stuck with mine. You see what hes doing, you see how against it I am. I know you are drunk, but you have enough strength to help me. Dont let him do this. You said you were my protector. You said you wouldn't ever let him touch me. Yet you are watching as he attacks my neck, his hands trailing up my dress.

Beccas POV:

Amelia, my Amelia. Im sorry. I want him to stop, I need him to. As him pleasuring you causes me so much pain. But I cant. I just cant. And im sorry.

       I see the pain in your eyes, hell I can smell it. But I just cant. I love you. And seeing you in pain and scared hurts me more than anything. But I cant, and im sorry.

"come on Becs.. lets go."

       Auden.. Auden Auden Auden. You were sculpted by the Gods. Everytime I look at you I lose my train of thought.


      His hands. They arent weirdly sweaty, but yet they arent overly dry and cold. They are warm, yet hard. We locked hands, walking towards the exit. I stopped, Auden stopping aswell. As I looked back to check on Amelia and Liv. I wanted to cry.

Amelias POV:

       Why wont he stop. Why do they always do this. Its like my cries for help are telling them to go faster. I thought I was really drunk, but I realized I was barely tipsy. Maybe it was the pain of my ex, or my parents fault. Maybe I do this on purpose.

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