Thank you

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I finally ended this huge journey, guys.

I am really happy that this book was received with a lot of enthusiasm and I wanna thank each and every single one of you for it. 

Thank you so much for staying with me throughout this journey. I hope you stick with me in the future too. 

I wanna thank all the people who fought to read and comment first in the daily chapters. It really used to boost my energy and enthusiasm a lot. 

I am sorry that I lost motivation in the middle, but it's all thanks to you guys that I found it back. 

So thank you so much, all the adorably loud and silent readers, for all the loud and silent support you have given me until now. 

I didn't wanna continue the part of Jeongguk in the twenty first century because there is another book of mine where one of the protagonists is completely new to technology and stuff. 

I didn't want this book to become a repetition of that plot, so I kept Jeongguk's presence in the twenty first century short and sweet. I am sorry if you expected more after he came to our century. 

Anyways, thank you once again. Take care, stay safe, healthy and happy. I love you all.

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