3. Epiphany

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"Get your phone. We'll make an account for you" Jimin said.

Namjoon stared at them for a while before taking another deep breath.

"What is a phone?" he asked.

Taehyung scoffed and rolled his eyes again while Jimin frowned at Namjoon and looked around. Something wasn't clicking into place. How the hell could a man not know about these basic stuff?

If this was really a set of a drama shooting, then where were the cameras? If these people were going according to some pre-written script, how were Taehyung and Jimin managing to fit into the script? How were they able to have a normal conversation without even knowing what the script was about?

Something really wasn't clicking into place. 

"Which era are you living in, dude? What kind of guy lives in the 21st century without knowing what a phone is?" Taehyung asked. 

"Excuse me? This is the 16th century. The twelfth reign of the Jeon dynasty. Not the 21st. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS??" Namjoon yelled. No sooner than he yelled, four guards ran to him and bowed down while saying, "Your Highness". 

It was then that it clicked.

"Throw the-" "Again with the dungeons! Dud-mmpphhhfff" Jimin stopped Taehyung from talking anymore by slapping a hand on his mouth and keeping it shut. 

"Our apologies, Your Highness" Jimin said and bowed to Namjoon, bending a bewildered Taehyung along with him. 

"What are these spies doing here?" a familiar voice asked, sending chills down Jimin's spine. He silently scratched Taehyung's back, hoping that Taehyung would get the message and shut the fuck up. Thankfully, he did. 

"Your Majesty! Please come in. The guards will take care of them" Namjoon said and turned to the guards. "Throw them into the dungeons. Keep them alive until the war is done and send the Head Jailor to my tent immediately" he said. 

The guards bowed to Namjoon and the handsome man from earlier before dragging Taehyung and Jimin away. 

"Dude, what the fuck?" Taehyung asked Jimin once the guards dragged them away from the General and the King. "Just shut up, Tae. For once, shut your big fucking mouth" Jimin hissed at him angrily and let the guards take them to the dungeons without protesting. 

Taehyung frowned at him and looked around. It was strange. Nothing looked like a set. Everything looked natural. Too natural, to be honest. He started wondering where the cameras were. It was then that it hit him. 

There weren't any cameras. This wasn't a set. They weren't actors. That person in the tent that Taehyung ran into was really the king. The wound on his hand was real. The hair on his head was real. The guards around them were real. 

The dungeon that they were currently being shoved into was real. The other prisoners around them were real. They looked too pathetic to consider them as actors with makeup. 

The pain that surged up Taehyung's spine after being thrown to the ground brought him out of his thoughts. Before either of them could say anything, the guards locked the door of the small cell that the two of them were thrown into and walked away. 

It was so silent that even though the guards had reached the entrance of the dungeons, Taehyung and Jimin could still hear them. 

"Where is Sir Jung?" one of the guards asked someone. "In his tent" another guard answered. "His Majesty and The Second Prince have requested Sir Jung's presence in His Highness's tent" the first guard said. "I will inform him right away" the second guard said. 

"Jiminie" Taehyung slowly whispered after a while. Jimin slowly turned towards Taehyung and stared at him with horrified eyes. "What the fuck is going on, Tae?" he asked. 

"I don't know, Jiminie. One thing is for sure. We aren't in the 21st century anymore" Taehyung said. "But....how...?" Jimin asked. 

"I don't know. I don't fucking know!! Weren't we on our way to South Korea for our research??" Taehyung asked. "Fucking shit, yass!! How the hell did we land ourselves here??" Jimin asked, raising his voice slightly and earning judging looks from the prisoners in the other cells. 

".....Jiminie..." Taehyung whispered again. Jimin could clearly see the blood draining from his face. "What?" he whispered back. "Didn't our plane crash into the ocean? I clearly remember drowning while holding your hand" Taehyung said. 

Jimin jerked his hand to his head and stared at Taehyung openmouthed. "I remember it too" he whispered after a while. 

"Then how the hell did we land in the 16th century?" Taehyung asked. "I don't know.......what if that joke came true?" Jimin asked. "What joke?" Taehyung asked. 

"You know, the one that Bogummie hyung teased us about. That our flight line was above the Bermuda Triangle and that it might suck us in and take us somewhere" Jimin said. 

"Do you think that is it?" Taehyung asked. "I don't have any other logical explanation" Jimin said. "Oh, god! What's happening?" Taehyung asked, grabbing his hair and pulling it slightly. They spent some time in silence, thinking about their current situation. 

".....Tae....." Jimin whispered after a while. "What?" Taehyung asked. "I realized something else too" Jimin said. 

"What is it?" Taehyung asked. "The General said that we were in 16th century, right? The twelfth reign of the Jeon dynasty......" Jimin trailed off, knowing that Taehyung would get it too. 

"Holy mother of Jesus!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Yeah..." Jimin said. "We are in Oryn right now?!?!" Taehyung asked incredulously. 

"Yeah.......and that handsome man we yelled at was......" Jimin trailed off again. 

"....His Majesty, Jeon Jeongguk" Taehyung completed the sentence for him before spacing out. 

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