46. A King's Rage

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"Are you sure you don't want to summon our army?" Namjoon asked as the two of them stood outside the Alyndus Palace. 

All they had to do was walk in, catch hold of one of the Ministers, and interrogate them until they revealed their Prince's location. 


"I'm sure. This battle is being brought up due to personal reasons. I don't want my army fighting my personal battles" Jeongguk said. 

"Hmm. Alright, then. Let's go" Namjoon said and the two of them strode in with an absolute air of power around them. 

"Y-Your Majesty" one of the three Ministers in the courtroom stood up and bowed to him. 

Even though they were rebelling against him, he was still their King and they still had to show him the respect that he deserved, after all. 

"I will get straight to the point. Where is your Prince?" Jeongguk asked, sitting on the throne with one leg crossed over the other. 

"We don't know, Your Majesty" one of them said confidently. 

Namjoon scoffed as he sat down on a smaller throne that was on a level slightly lower to that of the King's throne. 

Jeongguk drew his sword out, making a huge 'schwing' sound in the process. He rotated it in his hand a couple of times before slamming the pointed tip on the floor.

"I will ask you one last time" he glared at them. "Where. Is. Your. Prince?" he asked. 

The three ministers' eyes widened after he brandished his sword, and their bodies started trembling. "W-W-We d-don't kno-" the minister screamed loudly when the head of the minister next to him fell to the floor. He hadn't even noticed Jeongguk getting off the throne. 

"I re-really d-don't know, Your Ma" the Minister screamed again, staring at the cut off head of the other minister on the floor. 

"Next is yours" Jeongguk said with his sword's bloody tip placed on the Minister's throat. The Minister trembled violently and couldn't seem to get words out of his throat anymore. 

He glanced towards Namjoon, who was staring at his younger brother with a proud smile on his face. 

"Your Highness, please help me, I really don't kn-aarrghhhhhhh" the man screamed, feeling pain shoot up his arm. He looked down and noticed a huge gash on his arm. 

"I can do this all day" Jeongguk said and brought his sword back to the Minister's throat. 

The Minister turned to Namjoon once again. Namjoon shrugged his shoulder and smiled at him smugly. "You didn't tell me when I asked you nicely last year. Face the consequences now" he said, referring to the time when he was sent to Alyndus along with a few other delegates. 

"He never tells us his location, Your Majesty!!!" the Minister exclaimed loudly. "DO NOT YELL AT ME!!" Jeongguk yelled and brought his sword back down to make another cut on his arm. 

The Minister whipped his head down immediately. "I don't know, Your Majesty" he whispered, this time with tears running down his face.  

"How frequently does he come to the Palace?" Namjoon asked, knowing Jeongguk was too busy fuming to articulate proper questions. 

"He was supposed to come today, Your Highness" the Minister said. "When?" Jeongguk asked. "Anytime soon" the man whispered, unable to find enough courage in him to lift his head up and look at the King. 

"Good" Jeongguk said and walked back to the throne. 

The Minister bowed to him and tried to get out of the room without showing his back to the King. He couldn't dare to stay in the same room for another second. 

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