12. Release

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"But, hyung! Please just try to resolve whatever happened between the two of you. How long are you goin-okay, okay, I'll stop talking. You guys stop glaring at me" Jeongguk heard Hoseok speak inside the tent. 

He gave the guards outside his tent a nod and walked inside with the two puppies following him. 

"Ohh, Jeonggukie. You are back in time to sav-ohh, you brought them back?" Hoseok asked. Jeongguk nodded and walked forward to sit on his seat. 

"Tell us everything you know about how you came back to the past" he said. 

Taehyung looked at Jimin and jerked his chin up, silently asking him to start explaining. Jimin shook his head and jerked his chin up. Taehyung gave him a sour look and lifted his hand to show him his middle finger, but Jeongguk got impatient. "WE DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT!!" he yelled at them, making them jump a foot into the air. 

"S-Sorry, Your M-Majesty" Taehyung squeaked and looked at Jimin one last time before taking a deep breath. 

"W-We are students. We were supposed to do some research on you and your Kingdom, but there weren't enough resources and information in the country that we lived in. So-"

"What is a country? Is it another Kingdom?" Namjoon interjected. 

"Umm...kinda. It is slightly different from a 'Kingdom' cause we don't have Kings and all. We elect our own leader.....umm....it is a huge thing to explain, but yeah. And we lived really very far away from Korea, so-"

"Where is Korea?" Yoongi asked. 

Taehyung looked at Jimin. "Umm.....this area is Korea" Jimin said, waving his hand around and pointing to the ground at their feet. "I mean, it is South Korea. Oryn and a few other Kingdoms around it are gonna merge and become Korea" he said. Jeongguk raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent. 

"Yeah. And the country we lived in is somewhere across the ocean. It is hard to reach our country now, I guess. Unless we use ships. But in the twenty first century, we could travel over the oceans using planes. They are....umm....vehicles that......fly...?" Taehyung said, not knowing how to explain all of these to people who lived in the sixteenth century. 

"Anyways, we decided to go and live in Korea to continue our research because we weren't getting much information in Mexi-....in our country" Jimin modified. 

"Yeah. And there is this...umm....I don't know how to explain it...umm....a triangular area in the ocean.....it is called the Bermuda Triangle. It sucks all the planes and ships that travel over it into it. We weren't actually flying over it, but it managed to pull us in. 

The plane kinda burst into pieces....and...we were in the middle of a whirlpool...umm...I don't remember that well....we were drowning....and the last thing I remember was the gash on Jim-....umm, the last thing I remember was me regretting not being able to complete our research. 

I think I blacked out after that. The next thing I remember was waking up right in the middle of the lake outside the battlefield. It took me forever to swim upwards and I didn't remember anything about the Bermuda Triangle at the time. I just remembered sitting in the plane with Jimin. 

And I am really very sorry for yelling at you the other day, Your Majesty. I really didn't know that I had travelled back to the past and I just thought you were being rude. I am really very sorry. 

It took us about two days to remember all the events that had happened after the plane had crashed into the ocean. So even we weren't sure what was happening and why we suddenly landed in the sixteenth century. I know that that was not a reason to yell at you, but I can't do anything other than apologize to you and hope that you would consider our case and let us go" Taehyung said and finished his small speech with a huge bow. 

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