5. Take off

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"Take care, don't stay awake for too long, don't eat too much, but don't starve yourselves at the same time, don-" "EOMMA!! Okay, we get it. It's okay. We'll be fine, Eomma. Don't stress yourself too much" Taehyung cut his mother off and hugged her tightly. 

He tried to pull out of the hug after a while, but she wouldn't let him go. Slowly, he realized that his shirt was starting to become wet. The thought of his mother crying onto his shoulders brought tears into his eyes as well.

"I'm gonna miss you, Eomma. I-I'm gonna miss you a lot" he cried and tightened his hold around her and buried his face into her neck. That made his mother cry harder, which in turn made him cry harder. 

"Okay, okay, you guys are gonna flood the airport" Taehyung's father said and separated the two of them. 

"Appaaa" Taehyung cried and hugged him as well. "Aish, why are you behaving like you are never gonna see us ever again?? Stop crying" his father said, but hugged him back and patted him nonetheless. 

"I'll miss you, Appa" Taehyung sniffled. "I'll miss you too, Tae" his father whispered to hide the lump in his throat. 

"Aish, you kids, seriously! Why did you decide to go to Korea if you were going to cry like this??" Jimin's father asked after hugging a very teary Jimin. The two of them didn't answer. Instead, they brought all of them together for a group hug. 

"We'll call you right after landing. We'll call you everyday. Don't keep yourselves busy when we call, okay?" Jimin warned and wiped the tears on his face. "Of course, baby. How can we?? Now stop crying" his mother said, but a tear fell from her own eye, making Jimin chuckle wetly. 

"Hypocri-" Jimin was cut off by the announcement for the regular boarding of their flight. "Okay, Eomma, Appa. Take care, both of you. I love you" Jimin said and hugged them one last time. "We love you too. You take care too. Call us" they said and let him go. 

"Take care, Appa. Take care, Eomma. Bye. Love you" Taehyung said as he picked his small shoulder bag up. "Yeah, yeah, love you too. Bye. Take care!" his parents said and patted his back one last time before letting him go as well. 

"Bye, Ajeomma, Ajeossi" the two of them yelled and rushed to the queue they were supposed to stand in. 

"Hawttt" Jimin whispered once they settled in their seats. Taehyung immediately understood what Jimin was talking about and looked at the hostess. "Yeah, she is hot, but not my type" he said. "I know" Jimin said and rolled his eyes. 

"Do you think there'll be hot girls in Seoul?" he asked. "Do you think there'll be hot guys in Seoul?" Taehyung asked. "Maybe. Who knows?" Jimin said and rolled his eyes again. 

They spent the next fifteen minutes listening to the 'hot' hostess and fastening their seatbelts and teasing each other. 

"Yo, what if the Bermuda Triangle really sucks us in?" Taehyung asked once the plane took off. 

"Yah, don't say bad stuff. Also, I forgot to tell you. Last night, Bogum hyung called me. He said that he was just kidding and that our flight line is just close to the Triangle and that we aren't actually going to fly over the Triangle. We'll be fine. Also, even if we were flying over it, the Triangle doesn't suck every plane into it. Just a few" Jimin said. 

"But what do you think will happen if it does suck us in? Do you think we'll go to a different universe?" Taehyung asked. "Or maybe find a cool planet? Or a hidden underwater city? Or a monster? Or would we die?" he kept asking. 

"Yah, will you seriously shut up about the Bermuda Triangle? Let's not talk about it. I wanna sleep. Don't think too much about it. We are going close to it. Not over it. We'll be fine" Jimin said angrily and banged his head on the headrest and closed his eyes. 

Before he knew it, he fell asleep, leaving Taehyung to think alone about their research and the Bermuda Triangle that they were flying close to. Slowly, he fell asleep as well, and woke up only when the vibration of their seats started feeling strange. 

"What the fuck?" Taehyung mumbled as he tried to stand up from his seat. Most of the passengers looked confused. 'So my seat isn't the only one that's vibrating too much' he thought as he searched for the hostess. 

Before he could call out to her, the captain started talking through the speakers. 

"This is your Captain speaking. I request all the passengers not to freak out. We are not going over the Bermuda Triangle. This is just a slight turbulence and it has nothing to do with the Bermuda Triangle. We are trying our best to steer away from it, so I request all of you to stay seated in your seats and trust us. Please do not freak out. Thank you."

"JIMIN, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" Taehyung whisper yelled and shook Jimin awake violently. "What the fuck, bro?" Jimin groaned as he woke up. Taehyung didn't answer him. He just waited for Jimin to feel the weird vibration of the seats himself. 

It took half a minute for Jimin to come out of his sleepy state and sit up straight. "What the fuck is happening??!?! Why is my seat vibrating like this?!?!" he asked with panic written all over his face. Taehyung explained the situation to him. "Oh my god. Now wha-" 

"This is your Captain speaking. We apologize for the unfortunate circumstances. The flight is steering dangerously close to the Bermuda Tria-" the line cut off abruptly. 

The flight suddenly gave a violent jerk, making every single passenger scream. And before they knew it, the flight started plummeting down at an insane speed, right into the North Atlantic Ocean. 

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