The attack

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A/n: i love you guys. Just remember that, k?


Taehyung stumbled on his feet, watching helplessly as Jungkook walked further and further away from him before disappearing behind the doors.

His head suddenly lolled to the back, vision unfocussing in and around the blurred lights and overtuned noises bouncing off in the background. Taehyung felt himself lose his balance.

"Oh shit, Tae!!" It was probably Hoseok, sounding extremely worried, as two arms came around the boy's waist holding him in place, "God! Are you alright?"

"N-nuh," The blue haired mumbled, eyes stuck to the entrance cum exit," i fe-feel dizzy."

"Looks like it was his first time drinking," Namjoon said, holding him up from the other side," Let's get you some water."

The two olders took Taehyung to the bar, quickly ordering the tender to get them some mineral water. The younger slumped on a chair and closed his eyes, mind replaying the scenes on a loop.

The scenes of Jungkook walking into the party hall, making his speech, the people cheering, locking eyes with the ravenette for that one short moment...

What went wrong?

"Tae? Here, have this," Hoseok handed a bottle of water, cap unscrewed. The blue haired chugged the whole thing down, a few drops spilling onto his clothes.

"Better?" Taehyung nodded dumbly at the question, making the others sigh out in relief.

"You scared us there for a second pet," Namjoon shook his head, feeling bad for the little guy sitting lost on his chair.

"Yeah and all of it is Jungkook's fault! I mean-- i don't understand his behavior anymore. He's never acted like that with any of his kegs before." Hoseok said, pretty pissed with what he saw earlier.

"You know how he is Hobi," Joon rolled his eyes," and it's only a matter of time before Taehyung gets fed up of his behavior and decides to leave like all others. That's why Jungkook doesn't do attachments."

Taehyung stilled, ears picking the words just in time as his senses began coming back.

Did Jungkook think he was going to leave?

Is that why he was... distancing himself?

"Come on hyung, you know it's different this time. I've seen him spend way too much time with Taehyung and--"

"Hobi, stop." Namjoon interrupted him, pursing his lips in a taut line," I know Jungkook better than anyone else. He won't think twice before getting rid of the boy if he wants to."

Get rid... w-was he... going to leave him too?

Hoseok winced at the older's claim, but he knew it was nothing but the cold harsh truth. Afterall Jungkook wasn't called a ruthless gangster for nothing.

He glanced down at Taehyung, wanting to check if he was fine but found the boy patting his clothes hurriedly.

"Tae-- hey what are you looking for?"

Taehyung looked up, his ears glazed with a layer of unshed tears.

"M-my phone- where's my phone? I- i need to speak to Jungkook. I need to tell him-- i need to tell him, i-i have nowhere to go!!" He cried out, tumbling out from his chair and jostling his clothes for the gadget.

"Taehyung calm down, calm-- hey," Namjoon stepped forward, stopping the boy's frantic movements," I'll help you look for it later. But for now, you need to go take some rest."

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