Chapter 36 - Kivy's Perspective

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It is a bright and lovely morning. White, fluffy clouds drift through the sky, as Kivy watch idly through the window. He groans in sheer boredom, and leans lazily on the window stool, letting the warmth and brightness of the sun wash over him.

Slowly, the little kid drifts away in deep thoughts. The longer he works here, it made him wonder about the strange things happening in this place. He heard that there were demon attacks that kept on happening recently. The crime rates also increased, because there had been jail breaks due to the attack.

Kivy sighed. He and his sister are supposed to live in a place where it should be peaceful and quiet. Unfortunately, luck isn't on their side. They also can't leave in this household, because they aren't yet satisfied with the amount of money they saved. If Kivy had to be honest, the money they have is already enough for them to make a living. But for some reason, something prevents them from leaving.

The boy just frowned, starting to play with his hair. As he continues to relax on the window, a certain individual passed by. He immediately recognized him without even looking. Allen Coldwell.

Kivy glanced at the red-haired boy, who's now walking close with Sean, the butler of this household. He silently stared at Sean, and he couldn't help but scoff at the sight. 'He kept telling us that he doesn't want to get involved with Allen.... but look at him now, acting like a father for the young master.' he snorted in his thoughts.

Kivy shook his head, still leaning on the window stool. He noticed that Sean has been acting like this, ever since they witnessed signs about the young master being bullied. Honestly, all of them were quite shocked. They still hate him. Though it doesn't reach the point where they want to destroy him or something.

Sure, Allen may be bratty and rude sometimes, he even acts like a person with superiority complex, but they're not sadistic enough to let him get tortured.

Currently, Kivy and the others are helping him a little, because they didn't want to be bothered by their conscience.

Honestly, they could just ignore Allen for all they care. However, they are also human beings, so they also have this ability to feel guilt and conscience. Hence, they all have reached into a conclusion of giving him a little bit.... of a helping hand.

Therefore, just as they planned, Sean and Kyla kept on guarding Allen, trying to keep him from doing anything stupid. While Ivy would do some research about great assassination guilds and recommend them just as she was tasked. Kivy, on the other hand, would slip weapons in one of the young master's belongings, for anti-bully purposes (though, no one's aware of that, he's completely sure of it.).

They all planned to keep doing that for only two months, and they're done. That amount of time is already enough for Allen to take revenge. After that, they will finally have nothing to do with him, and their annoying conscience will eventually go away.

However, this young master doesn't make things easier for them. He kept on running into trouble, which annoyed Kivy sometimes.

One time they caught Allen being ambushed by some malicious nobles, they had to step in, because the young master wasn't competent enough for a fight. Sure, Allen may have learned some fighting skills, but it's not good enough. Because of this, Kivy and the others had took it upon themselves to keep an eye on Allen even more.

As time passes by, there are things that they learned about Allen. It seems that the young master is being treated unfairly by his family. They noticed that Allen experiences too much discrimination and gets blamed often for something he didn't do.

The longer they stick close to him, the more they realized that Allen isn't really a bad person. He's just someone who's misunderstood.

"Oh, Kivy... What are you doing here alone? Where's your sister?" Kyla asked, starting to walk towards him.

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