Chapter 28 - Change of Plans

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"Wake up, sleepy head!"

Alicia yells at Allen's ear, which caused the boy to jump out from his bed. Allen glared with irritation as he rubs his ear which was the one that Alicia yelled on.

"I'm up, I'm up! Now stop trying to destroy my eardrums." Allen snapped at the girl.

Alicia, who's now in a black cat form, laughed at Allen. "It's good to wake up early, you have much time to play with your phone before your class starts." she says.

Allen huffed. "You're just saying that out of boredom."

"Yeah, that too. But seriously, you need to get up and prepare yourself, because Felix is going to your school." Alicia hummed, which made Allen choke on his saliva.


"Oh, don't worry, he doesn't seem to be on the verge of killing anyone."

"The fact that he enters in my academy doesn't sound reassuring at all."

Allen frowned, wondering why Felix would suddenly attend in his school. It is also a mystery on how Felix was able to get in when doesn't even have the lineage of nobility.

"In case you're wondering how he was able to enter, it was because of the lottery." Alicia explained as if she just read Allen's mind.

Allen looked at her in surprise. Out of all people to win the lottery, it had to be Abigor, who's now currently Felix Oswin, and a runaway demon.

"No way, the lottery that happens every fifteen years in our school... It's this time of the year!?" Allen exclaimed.

It's gonna be so awkward if Allen sees Felix later. Also, he would have to worry about him. It's not because he's concerned of Felix being bullied by other nobles, it's about the fact that Felix might harm them and cause a ruckus.

Allen sighed in exhaustion as he drops himself on the bed. Then a moment later, he remembered something.

"By the way, about Will... Do you guys remember about my suspicions?" Allen reminded. Worry slowly hits him as thought about this dangerous individual. "I think we should approach Larence and the others. Maybe it is wise to join in their team. It's been a while since we picked up signs about Will, I don't think we should stick to the original plan anymore." he tells Alicia, trying to restrain the urge to gulp.

Alicia's expression turned very serious. Usually, she doesn't show that she's worried, which made Allen more nervous. "Yeah, I have to agree." she says. "I've considered your suspicion about Will becoming a character in this novel, so I searched around. It was hard for me to find him because I don't know who he turned into."

Allen frowned even more. He opens his mouth, a bit afraid to say something—but he did it anyways.

"Is it possible that he became a character who resides in the Demon Realm? Did you try checking in that place?" he asked.

Alicia nodded her head.

"Okay then, even the castle? Did you try checking the castle where the Demon King lives?" Allen asked again.

Alicia shook her head this time. "No, I didn't. I can't. For some reason, there's a barrier blocking me from entering the castle." she says.

Allen became silent and just nodded at the girl's statement.

"It is strange...." Alicia muttered.

Allen looked up and arched a brow. "What do you mean by strange?" he asked.

Alicia looked at Allen straight in the eyes. What she's going to say next doesn't make Allen feel any better.

"The barrier's magic on the Demon King's castle... The technique is the same to what only us otherworlders can do." she says.

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