Chapter 19 - The Attack

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You see, Allen was just enjoying his day, eating his favorite strawberry flavored ice cream as he roams around town to buy clothes. But then, it was ruined by two certain people, bickering in front of him.

"Oh shut it, you pathetic asexual! Your taste in fashion sucks." Alicia snapped at Az.

"Oh shut it! My fashion sense is absolutely awesome!" Az defended.

"Pfft. You're being delusional."

"I am not!" Az snapped. A moment later, he sighed, becoming exhausted from their argument.

Allen's face starts to change color because of irritation. People are now looking at Az, thinking that he's crazy or something. No one could see Alicia because she's in her invisible form, so that means Az would look like he's talking to himself.

Allen couldn't take it any longer, he finally snapped, almost dropping the ice cream he was eating. "Will you buffoons cease this disgraceful behavior? Let Az wear what he finds adequate for his preferences. After all, there is no use convincing this imbecile. So let him be or else it might result ourselves into an endless argument." he gave out a harsh whisper.

"But looking at him is just...." Alicia said, incrediously looking at Az.

"We're not the ones who's going to get disapproving stares, it's him, so we don't need to worry." Allen rolled his eyes. "Well, according to my scandalous reputation, I'm already the type to be bad-mouthed by people. So whatever the result is, it doesn't matter. However, I'm not entirely sure if Az doesn't mind being humiliated in such formal event."

"You guys are mean." Az pouted.

"By the way, this is new to me. Here I thought you like each other, like romantically." Allen said, changing the subject.

Alicia and Az gave out an expression of horror, looking at Allen as if he's gone mad or something.

"Me? Being with someone? With my familiar? Hah. No, that is a big no, no. I don't see her that way, especially with other people!" Az exclaimed in a whisper, almost flailing both of his arms.

"Yeah." Alicia snorted. Then her face suddenly turned mischievous. "Oh, and fun fact: A lot of people actually wanted to sleep with him. Most of them said that he's a lucky bastard, but for Az, it's unfortunate." she said, leaning closer to Allen. "Not only that, romantic relationships are a big no to him, because he's also aromantic."

"Uh, huh... so he's asexual and aromantic? Oh, okay then." Allen nodded in understanding. He already knew what those terms mean, because of the Internet.

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and spill everything." Az grumbled. "Honestly, I don't get what they see in me."

"Maybe it's because they're also morosexual." Alicia gave out a mocking laugh. "They're prolly attracted to morons like you!"

"How dare you call me a moron!?" Az snapped, raising his voice to the point where a lot of people could hear it.

"Mom. Why is that guy talking to himself?" a kid said loudly, asking his mom.

The kid's mom flinched in alarm and covered the boy's mouth. "Sweetie, don't mind him. He's probably mentally unstable." she whispers to her kid, quickly walking away from them.

Allen looked at the people who were staring and gave out a little smile. He never thought that, for the first time, he would apologize to people. "Sorry. Uh, my....friend here is a little bit exhausted. This is just a cause of stress... Haha.... don't mind us..." he said with a strained voice.

"Okay, I'm the one who's going to pick clothes for you. I don't want you to embarrass ourselves further." Allen whispered. He quickly gets a suit that suits Az perfectly and dragged Az to the counter, buying their clothes immediately.

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