Chapter 18 - Az Became What!?

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"What the fuck!?" Az exclaimed as he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

Az is now standing right there, clearly freaked out as he stares at the mirror displayed in a certain shop. The color of his hair changed, even his eyes. Unlike before, they're now in mocha color. And what freaks him out the most, is how much he looked exactly, exactly like the deceased Azruelle Macklin. They already looked the same to begin with, but now, Az really looks like the exact copy of Azruelle since the color of their hair and eyes are already the same.

"Okay, this is weird. Very weird." Az says to himself as he touches his hair carefully. "How on earth did my hair turn mocha overnight!?" he trembled.

"You fucking piece of shit. You dare give me the trouble looking for you all night!" says a voice.

Az turned around and recognized the man. The man standing before him was Azruelle's mean older brother.

"I know you're already dumb, but did the incident made you dumber? I hope not, because we don't want to waste money on your stupid pathetic ass." the older brother spat and walked away, ordering one of the servants to grab Az inside the carriage with him. "Because of you, my plans are ruined. Not only I have to look for you, I also need to take you to school. I don't really see the point of an idiot like you going anyway." he sneered.

Az wasn't really offended much since he was too confused and shocked to feel such emotion. It didn't took him long to realize that he became Azruelle Macklin.


Meanwhile, unaware of Az's problem, Allen was just sitting in the classroom, listening to the teacher. Then after the class ended, Allen walked with Calia and Ryan as usual, continuing this act of being plastic and stuff.

"Allen, hi." a cheerful voice suddenly greeted.

Allen looked at the source and found Bella waving at him with a friendly smile. The boy felt dumbfounded, but flattered at the same time.

"Hi." Allen said, still unsure if he should respond or not.

"Bella, why are you talking to this creep?" Rachel frowned, suddenly appearing behind the girl. She took her eyes off of Bella and glared at Allen. Larence does the same.

Well, it cannot be blamed that they act that way, they had a bad history after all.

"Now, now, let's all be nice here." Ryan steps up, doing a fake act of being all goody two shoes. He looks like a peacemaker on the outside, but in the inside, uh... let's not get to that. "Aren't you guys tired of fighting and causing trouble for others?" he tries to say in a nice tone.

"Umm, well, we actually are but..." Rachel blushed, starting to fidget a bit with Ryan's presence. Then a moment later, it changed back to a fierce expression as soon as she shoots Allen a glare. "But this guy keeps on being a nuisance. He may not be doing something sketchy for these past few weeks, but who knows what he's planning to annoy the heck out of us!" she says as she accusingly pointed a finger towards the boy.

Allen frowned, giving out a grumble and crossed his arms. Unfortunately, he's having a hard time to think of any comeback.

It is understandable that they would still be cautious. After all, he had been annoying the heck out of them for these past few years. He also did some sketchy ways that was intended to humiliate them, just because of his jealousy and resentment towards people who were better than him. When Allen was a kid, he was always framed by kids who were more talented than him. Even though he took out that anger on Larence and the others, what the Allen did was unexcusable. That time when Larence rejected his offer of friendship, Allen immediately assumed that Larence was like those kids who wronged him. He was blinded by the negative feelings and did something stupid.

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