Chapter 16 - Issues Of Being Not On The Same Page

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For the past few days of continuous training with Az and Alicia, Allen felt more tired than before.

Today, when he finished another training, he arrives in the mansion in exhaustion. He double pays his driver to drop him off where no one could see him. He also gave him another pay to not tell anyone that he's already home. Allen's driver looked at him suspiciously, but he shrugged it off anyways and did what he was told.

Allen sneaks inside the mansion, trying to make sure no one sees him. The reason why he's being so secretive about it is because his clothes are all torn and dirty. Honestly, Allen was quite thankful that Az always brings a healing potion, because if he weren't, Allen would have to also worry about hiding his injuries.

As the boy finally arrives in his room safely, he quickly goes to his closet, looking for clothes to change. Az is on the way buying a potion that restores extremely damaged things into new ones, all that Allen needed to do is hide his damaged clothes for a while until that potion arrives. But before he could even change into his new clothes a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Allen felt shivers through his spine as he sensed the presence of the person. Slowly, he carefully looked behind him and saw the butler, Sean, staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"Sean! W-What are you doing here?" Allen said, trying not to look startled, but failed miserably. Seriously what's up with this guy? Sean hates him, so why does he keep on approaching him more often?

The butler's eyes narrowed as he looks at Allen from head to toe. "Young master, what happened to your clothes?" he asked.

Allen's face paled, trying to keep himself calm. This time, there was no way he could find an excuse with this. His clothes are extremely damaged, he couldn't just say he tripped again or something. It didn't took long, Allen's mind started to shut down. Now that there is no excuse he could think of, he attempted to run away. But he was unfortunately grabbed by the butler, preventing him from escape.

"I believe that you didn't trip this time. Am I right?" Sean arched a brow.

Allen became nervous, he cannot read what the butler was thinking. The expression was clearly unreadable for him to know. What do you expect? He came from a dangerous organization after all, of course he is trained to hide emotions. Allen doesn't understand why the butler is acting weird. He doesn't know if he unknowingly did something wrong that could've provoked this dangerous man.

Suddenly, an empty bottle of healing potion fell from Allen's pocket. This caught Sean's attention and picked it up.

"A healing potion?" Sean's eyes widened, picking it up as his other hand's grip remains firm on Allen's. As the butler stares at the object, he couldn't help but wonder. As far as he knows, these potions are expensive. The Coldwell family doesn't buy things like this unless it's necessary. So far, throughout the years, no one in this household has bought a healing potion, unless.....

"How long?" Sean asked as he faced Allen again.

Allen stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, clearly dumbfounded.

"Don't play dumb with me. How long have you been doing this?" he questioned, clearly insisting on making Allen answer.

Allen was extremely scared because of this, but he didn't let it show. "What the hell? Don't you know what you're doing right now? Unhand me." he demanded, smoothly hiding his fear.

Sean remained unaffected by Allen's tone. "Answer the question and I'll let you go." he says. "Also, don't try to think of lying because I already know what you've been up to." he warned.

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