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omniscient july 17th •

"you so stiff when you dance" chelsea's father chris laughed as they played just dance on her wii.

she bought the wii specifically for this one game .

"let me show you how it's done!"

chelsea handed the wand to her step mother jackie who was only 7 years older then her .

they all laughed as Jackie danced with no rhythm.

hearing a loud bang on the door jackie quickly muted the tv "who is banging like that?" jackie asked .

"go upstairs chelsea" her father spoke as he walked closer to the door .

chelsea got up and ran to the top of the stairs , still being nosey and looking down.

"who is it ?" chris yelled .

"Texas PD"

hearing that chris sighed and opened the door , soon a bunch of police busted in and cuffed chris .

"why are y'all arresting my dad?!" Chelsea yelled walking downstairs.

"chelsea stay back" her father warned .

"we have a list of reasons" one of the officers spoke as they pulled him out of the house .

chelsea started crying as she sat on the stairs . she looked at jackie who was also crying as the police roamed their house looking for any evidence.

omniscient july 27th

chelsea woke up hearing a bang, she looked up seeing four men carrying her vanity table out her room and they had dropped it .

"what the fuck" she spoke quickly sitting up.

she pulled her phone out "i'm calling 911" she said thinking she was getting robbed.

"i wouldn't advise you to do that, since we got a court order saying to remove everything out"

"what court order ?" she asked as she closed her phone .

one of them handed her the paper and they continued taking the vanity out .

she walked outside of her room and looked around for jackie

"jackie what is going on? they are stealing all of our shit!"

"well they're taking the house and everything back because we're broke" she cried .

"broke? what?"

"yep , i called your father this morning. hurry and get your clothes out the drawers before they take that too"

chelsea ran to her room and started to throw her clothes in her suitcase, she didn't know how to feel it was all so unreal to her .

the movers stayed there for hours moving everything out , Chelsea sat on her suitcase in what used to be her livingroom .

Her phone started ringing and although seeing it was a unknown number she answered .

"You have a collect call from an inmate at Texas state prison press three to-

Chelsea immediately pressed three .

"2.14 will be charged to your card , have a good day" the machine spoke before Chelsea heard her fathers voice .


"Dad! I'm so confused what is going on?"

"I don't know how else to explain it except I fucked up and lost everything. Ima be locked up for a long time too and the best advice I could give you is you have an aunt down in Louisiana , you can move down there and you'll be good"

"An aunt ? You never told me you had any siblings"

"I know but look, I'm going to give you the address and just know you're welcome there" he spoke

Chelsea saved the location in her phone them continued talking to her father


Keep reading it gets better 😭

Excuse mistakes

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