Chapter 49 -Last Farewell!

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It's the day after shift and the day 51 say their final goodbyes to Otis. Harper wakes up in a horrible mood before Kelly drops the kids off at Bennys. Harper gets changed into her uniform as it's an on duty death.
"How you holding up?" Kelly asks rubbing her shoulders
"Today's about Otis! And he wouldn't want anyone to be sad!" Harper says wiping her tears
Kelly gives her a kiss before Harper finishes up getting ready. They get in the car and drive to the church. Harper, Boden, Kelly and Matt sit at the front along with Cruz. Cruz has gone up first to say a few things
"I want to say thank you to you all for coming today! Otis would be very grateful! Me and Otis became friends when we both started at 51 which was over 16 years ago! He was just a candidate who worked on the elevators! But as we got closer he grew on me! He became my brother! And I couldn't be more great full to call him my best friend" Cruz says with tears rolling down his face before he sits back down
Harper is next to say something
"When I started at 51 I was on ambo and didn't really notice Otis but after about a week he had made quite an impression on me! He was the light to the firehouse and if he wasn't there it seemed so dull without him! I then transferred to squad before getting a permanent position as truck 81s captain! I got to work alongside Otis and see him in action!" Harper says trying to hold back the tears
"You've got this" Kelly mouths to Harper
"The night he died I was the last one to see him! I knew what was happening and tried my best to stop it but I couldn't. So I lay down next to him so that he would know he wasn't alone. The last thing he said was tell Cruz I love him and that's exactly what I did. Otis didn't deserve this but he died doing something that he loved! And was great at! He will be dearly missed at 51 but never forgotten!" Harper says now sobbing as she walks over to Kelly and sits down next to him
It's time to say goodbye to Otis. Harper,Kelly,Casey,Boden,Cruz and Herrmann all carry his coffin. They walk out slowly to reveal a line of hundreds of firefighters surrounded by tons of fire trucks
"Please join us all for Brian Zvoneceks last ride! He lived a legacy serving on truck 81 under Captain Harper Severide! He is gone but never forgotten!" The commissioner says
They walk down the line and put Otis in the back of the car where they drive to the cemetery.
"You ready easy buddy! You buy us a nice place up there!" Cruz says
Brian Zvonececk
"I love you Brother"

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