Chapter 19- Revenge is best served Cold!

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It's a few days later and Harper is on shift. She is still getting used to being on truck. Aria has been coming home crying the past few days because of Emma. Harper decides to pay Luitenent Harvey another visit.
"Okay guys wait here! I'll only be a second!" Harper says jumping out of the truck
"Don't do anything stupid!" Herrmann shouts
"Never have and Never will!" Harper shouts back
"Captain!" Luitenent Harvey says
"Luitenent...I was just coming to see how truck was doing!" Harper says looking at the truck
"Everything up to date and working?" Harper asks
"I think so!" Harvey says
"You think? Or you know?" Harper asks
"I think but I'm 90% sure" Harvey says
"Right okay! I expect you to be 100% sure by the end of shift!" Harper says
"You got it Captain!" Harvey says
"Great!" Harper says walking out and into the truck
"Your really mean when your annoyed" Herrmann says
"Oh I know!" Harper says making herself comfortable as the drive away
A few hours later Harper gets called into Bodens office along with Kelly and Casey.
"Deputy commissioner Gorsch is coming to the firehouse on the commissioners command. Apparently it has something to do with a Luitenent Harvey" Boden says as Harper's eyes widen
"Personal stuff happened and I may have payed him a visit" Harper says
"We can't have any slip ups!" Boden says
"You got it!" Harper says before they all walk out
It's been a few days since Gorsch arrived and he's already stirring up trouble. He is now coming out on calls instead of Boden
"Truck 81, Person trapped, 78th street" The intercom says
"I'll tag along!" Gorsch says
"Great!" Harper says as she sees Kelly and Casey laughing in the corner
When they arrive on scene they can see a man who is hanging off a roof after his rope slipped.
"Okay I'm gonna go up there! Mouch get the ladder up there! Herrmann inflate the air bag just in case!" Harper shouts
"Why don't I get a say in this?" Gorsch says getting out of his car
"It's a simple rescue! And you've never set foot on a scene so it's my call!" Harper says climbing up the latter
She manages to get the man down and they drive back to the firehouse.
"I'm filing a complaint about you!" Gorsch says as everyone looks at them
"And why's that?" Harper asks
"You didn't wait and listen to my input on that last call!" Gorsch says
"Please it was a simple rescue that I've done a thousand times! And I hate to break it to you but you've never set foot on one of those scenes before so I think it's wrong how you get to make the calls!" Harper says
"You better watch your mouth!" Gorsch says angrily
"Or what? You gonna report me to the commissioner? The one who gave me my promotion?" Harper says Raising her voice a little
"I'll strip you of your rank!" Gorsch says
"You don't scare me! And go ahead strip me of my god damn rank! I'd hate to see you find a replacement with so much experience as me!" Harper says
"Maybe I'll find someone who doesn't have kids with the squad captains! What are the little brats names again?" Gorsch says
"Hey! Strip me of my rank! Or hell fire me! But don't bring my kids into this!" Harper says getting closer to him but he walks away and everyone just stares at Harper in shock

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