Chapter 28- Sick Day

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"Umm don't we have shift to be getting to!" Harper says grabbing her things and rushing out of the room
"Sorry about that" Kelly says as he gives the councillor money
It's the next morning and Harper has woken up with a cold. Her eyes are puffy and she keeps coughing and sneezing. Kelly has came by to pick up Aria for school and Harper opens the door
"You look horrible" Kelly says
"Thanks Kelly" Harper says making a face at him
"Take the day off and get someone to cover for you" Kelly says grabbing Arias bag
"I wish I could! Grissom has sent Gorsch back to check on how I'm doing" Harper says
"Ohh don't bite his head off again" Kelly says taking arias hand
"I'll try" Harper shouts
Harper then heads into work and gets changed
"Harper! Your on breakfast duty!" Cruz shouts
"Okay!" Harper shouts back
Harper walks into the kitchen and grabs the ingredients.
"Achoo!" Harper sneezes
"You good over there captain?" Tony asks
"I'm fine" Harper says as she cracks the eggs in the pan
She plates up all the breakfast and everyone grabs a plate. Harper sits down next to Cruz and Coughs and Sneezes
"Okay..." Cruz says as he stands up and walks away
Capp and Tony look at Harper for a good second
"Wanna take a picture?" Harper says
"You look rough" Capp says as he bites his toast
"Achoo!" Harper says as she senses on Capps breakfast
"Wow! Real mature Luitenent!" Capp says as get pushes his plate away
Tony let's out a little laugh and Harper gives him a death look
"Okay that's my cue to leave!" Tony says getting up and walking out
"Good Morning 51!" Gorsch says as he walks in
Harper rolls her eyes and puts her head on the table. Gabby let's out a little laugh but stops as Gorsch looks at her
"Captain!" Gorsch says enthusiastically as he walks over to Harper
"Gorsch" Harper says lifting her head from the table
"You look rough! Don't tell me your pregnant again" Gorsch says before walking away
Dawson's eyes widen and she runs over to Harper
"I'm not! I can assure you of that" Harper says before getting up and walking out to the apparatus floor
Harper can see Gorsch inspecting her truck. She walks over to him
"Everything okay?" Harper says with a stuffy nose
"Your trucks a little dirty Captain?" Gorsch says looking at the dirt on his finger
"Well the guys have been doing drills all morning and surely that's more important than a clean truck?" Harper says
"Well I umm yes it is, but we need to look presentable" Gorsch says
"Please when we turn up to a fire who is looking at the truck? No one! And I don't appreciate you telling me what to do!" Harper says as she walks away
*Authors Note*
Okay I really need your help! I'm very torn between Harper forgiving Kelly and her not forgiving Kelly. I think she should forgive him for the kids sake and I really like them together! But on the other hand will he just cheat again? Please let me know what you all think!

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