Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a very awkward week in the underwater palace of Poseidon. Poseidon kept asking if anyone else had anything to tell him. Apparently he was now paranoid that everyone was keeping secrets.

First it was Percy who had been Hyacinthus in a past life. Also he'd been having nightmares of Tartarus and Kronos everytime he closed his eyes. He'd hidden it from everyone because he didn't want to bother anyone. The only person that had know was Apollo and that was because they had slept together. Scandalous. Simply scandalous. It was only right to tell the father (that cared since Zeus obviously didn't) when they decided to make it official. Which obviously Percy and Apollo had.

Second it was Triton and his death god boyfriend that he'd been hiding for nearly four centuries. This was even worse than the Perseus and Apollo situation. A secret, for four centuries. An absolute disgrace. Poseidon had raised Triton better than that.

Third, Kymopoleia had demigod children. Three of them! And did she tell Poseidon, nope!

So sue Poseidon if you think he's overreacting. Next thing thats happening will be that Anteros has been having a threesome with Eros and Psyche. Actually knowing how the love gods are he wouldn't be surprised about that one.

Poseidon had a headache, a bad one. He really didn't understand why he had wanted kids. They are nightmares! Especially godly ones, they are the worst. They grow up too quick then they're stuck as brats for the rest of eternity. Or just regular disasters.

Somehow all of Poseidon's children fall under the disaster category.

Zeus' ones on the other hand are mostly brats. A true reflection of who their father is.

"Hey Dad can I-" Percy started.


"You don't even know what I was going to ask!" Percy complained. "I thought you wanted to know everything."

"Alright what is it? Also don't say I want to know everything it makes me sound like Athena."

"Can I go with Kym and Tri to get ice cream?"


Percy smiled, his eyes going bright yellow. "Thanks Dad you're the best!"

"I know I am, wait Perseus, can I ask you something?" Poseidon started.

Percy went through the five stages of grief before his eyes in a second.

"Oh ok, sure sure sure. Go ahead."

"Have you figured out what the eye colours mean?"

"No, can I ask Apollo?"

Poseidon looked down at Percy, hoping that the sheer force of his stare would deter his son from visiting the sun god.

Percy stared right back. A neutral expression on his face. His eyes returned to their old sea green.

Poseidon caved. The worst thing about his disaster children was that he couldn't say no to them. Not if he looked them in the eye. Or even looked at them at all.

Poseidon sighed, "You can go over to your boyfriends tonight."

Percy smiled and the room brightened slightly. The green haze that had been tainting the water disappeared.

Poseidon narrowed his eyes at his youngest son, "Were you using your control over loyalty to get me to let you go?"

At least Percy had the decency to look sheepish, "Maybe."

"I'm proud of you son, you have gotten better at controling your domains," Poseidon said with a smile.

"Bye Dad." Percy waved before he swam out of the room. Tackling someone just outside the door.

Perseus, God Of Natural DisastersWhere stories live. Discover now