Chapter Four

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Percy was lying on the bed. A different one, one in Apollo's temple. Not the infirmary one, a comfier one.

Apollo insisted. 'You have to stay here,' he said. 'So take the comfier bed,' he said.

One thing Apollo didn't think of was that the whole immortality deal didn't remove the ADHD. That sucked. Percy was bored out of his mind, he had been lying here for at least 9 hours since Apollo left. He should be back soon, Percy thought over and over again. The sun won't stay up for much longer. He can pass the shift onto anither deity.

Percy sat up looked at the clock. It had been 9:08 last time he checked. It was 9:11. Percy groaned and fell back, the past few days events replaying iver and over in his head.

Lets make a list. It should have a title, Disasters in a week of Percy's life. That's perfect.

Disasters in a week of Percy's life.
1. Saw Gaea. (so sad)
2. Got a building dropped on me. (ouch)
3. Got turned into a god. (yay)
4. Saw a hot dude, made a fool of myself. (so smooth)
5. Hot dude is Apollo. (crap)
6. Did I mention I'm a god? (I think I did)
7. Hermes thinks I'm sleeping with Apollo. (what?)
8. Aphrodite showed up. (oh no)

Percy of course made the whole list in his head, because he didn't want to get up.

One more thing to add to the list. Percy didn't know his way around the temple, and he really needed a shower. He felt filthy. Being in a pile of rumble can do that to someone.

Percy groaned and rolled to his side, promptly falling off the bed and landing on his face. Percy groaned again, louder this time.

The door opened and footsteps padded over to the spot that Percy had claimed on the floor. Maybe it's Apollo.

"Is the floor comfy or something? Why would you not take the bed?" said the voice of the intruder.

It wasn't Apollo.

"I fell off the bed."

"How? I know that you're slightly stupid but how do you fall off a bed?"

"I rolled over and fell off."

"Alright Perseus get up."

"Its Percy."

"Just get up."


"Because I said so."

"And if I don't want to?"

The other person seemed to think for a second. "Then I'll throw you into the ocean."

Percy shifted so that he was comfier on the floor. "I'm a son of Poseidon, you're going to have to do better than that."

"Well I am too so that won't work on me either!"

Percy was lifted from the ground by his foot. He hissed at the intruder, "Put me down!"

"Not a chance little brother," said the man. He looked godly, but as if he had tried to seem more human-like. His hair was a dark blue and quite long at the top, but short cropped at the sides. Percy thought the guys going for an undercut and leaving the top long looked stupid but this guy wore it really well. His skin had a greenish tint and his eyes were the perfect match to Percy's, proving that he was in fact a son of Poseidon too. His clothes were fancy, a dress shirt and jeans.

Percy frowned, "Have we met?"

The man grinned at him. "You mean you don't remember me?"

"I'm pretty sure I would."

The man hummed and clicked his fingers. Percy wondered how he could hold him up with only one hand then remembered that gods are super strong. He was completely sure that this man was a god now.

"Any idea now?" the mystery god asked.

Percy looked around. They were in an underwater palace and Percy was wearing new clothes. Similar to the type of the other god, but his shirt said something whereas the gods didn't.

"What does mine say?" Percy made a mental note that he wasn't getting tired from staying upside down. Maybe godhood did have some good points.

"Poseidon's boy scouts," the god said smugly, not bothering to hide that he was amused. He let go of Percy's ankle.

Percy gaped like a fish, "Thats a thing?"

"You're the first member." The god started to swim away, sporting two tails. A merman.

"Hey wait!" Percy tried to follow him and swam straight into his back, bringing them both down. They both froze as they floated down to the floor of the tall hallway.

"Perseus," the god said. "Get off me."

Percy didn't listen.

Instead he wrapped his own tails (he thought that was weird, would he be able to get his legs back?) around the god, doing the same with his arms. Wrapped around the godly being like a human sized backpack.

"Who are you?"

"Triton, now can you get off before someone sees us?"

Percy didn't let go.

Triton sighed and straightened up, hoping that the ex-demigod would fall off. That didn't happen. Percy stayed attached to Tritons back koala style. Triton started swimming along again, but kept his back straight, incase his brother decided to fall off any time soon.

Triton took Percy into the spare room and swam over to the bed. He turned around and pulled his little brothers tails off from around his waist, effectively dropping the newly-turned god.

"Is this your room?" Percy asked, taking it upon himself to look around. The room was quite -whats the word- exquisite.

It had four tall walls and a curtain for a door. The walls came together in a dome at the top, which was painted with blue swirls to represent waves. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books in ancient greek and colourful seashells. Theres was two windows in the room. One at the top of the dome, letting in light and one opposite the bed. There was a sofa along one wall and the bed was against two of them.

"No its yours," Triton answered as he sat down on the sofa. "Father wants me to teach you how to be a god. So this was the first thing I had to do, godproof your room."

Percy was still taking in everything about the room. It was so colourful, when he focused on something something else would draw his attention away. "But I had a room here," Percy said absentmindedly. "Wait, do gods sleep?"

Triton raised an eyebrow, "You were lying beside Apollo's bed and now you're asking do gods sleep?"

Percy froze, undistracted by the colourful room around him. "I was on Apollo's bed?"

"Yes, whats the big deal? Not like he was there with you."

Percy ducked his head and stared at the fins at the end of his tails.

A feathered person tackled Triton off the chair.

The loyalty god's head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes at the feathered being.

They had pure white wings, thickly packed with feathers. Raven black hair, an exact match to Percy's. A half-empty quiver on his back and an intricate bow held in the hand that wasn't pinning Triton down. The being (maybe a god) gave Triton a lop-sided grin, one that Percy saw in the mirror every morning.

"Hey fishface, hows it goin'?"

Triton tried to glare up at him but couldn't seem to muster up the energy. "Hey feathers."

Percy couldn't be bothered to deal with more gods today. Apollo he could handle, that is if he wasn't making a fool of himself in front of him. Triton is alright, but Percy didn't really know him. And now 'Feathers'?

Percy was tired of gods, how the hades was he supposed to manage forever with them.

I just want to say thank you for all the votes and comments on this. It means so much to me.

Perseus, God Of Natural DisastersWhere stories live. Discover now