Chapter Three

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Apollo was worried about Percy. There he said it.

He was worried that he wouldn't take immortality well. He was worried that he might panic. He was worried that Percy's health would decline once he realised that he is a god.

But what he is the god of? Apollo has no idea. Ok that was a lie. He has an idea of what it could be.

Two domains. The main one that he doesn't think Percy will like. One other important one that is sort of like his 'minor' domain. He thinks that Percy will like that one. Or at least not mind it. Hopefully.

If he was right about the first one (and he always is) then he really doesn't want Percy to freak out. If he does then it might mean bye-bye Olympus. Alright that was a slight exaggeration, but it would definitely mean that Apollo would need a new temple.

It had been a few hours since Apollo had broke the news to Percy. Personally he was overjoyed, there was another god that wouldn't like Zeus and the way he ruled. Not that there wasn't other gods that didn't like Zeus, but the rest of them were too afraid to go up against him. Apollo was proud to say that he was not one of them, hiding in the shadows. He's the sun god, for Olympus' sake, he's not meant to hide away, he's supposed to be always there! Bringing the spotlight. Unless Hepheatus was there and he decided to build something that made a new spotlight.

"Hey Apollo?"

Apollo's head snapped to the side, facing towards Percy. He hadn't realised Poseidon had left, he was too busy having a nap on the armchair beside Percy's bed.

"Yes?" Apollo really hoped he wasn't mad or upset. But that was all understandable! He didn't like getting turned into a mortal so its fair that Percy didn't like being turned immortal.

"Since I'm a god now, what am I the god of?"

Hopefully that meant he had accepted it and wasn't about to demanded that he be turned mortal again. Which unfortunately was impossible, unless the one that turned him immortal wanted him mortal again. Apollo didn't think that he could give the son of Posiedon anymore bad news.

"Oh right yeah um... Do you really want to know or do you want to rest? You really should get more rest," Apollo started, looking everywhere but at Percy's eyes.

"Apollo," he started, his voice firm, leaving no room for argument. "What am I the god of?"

Apollo finally met his eyes, and regreted it. He saw the pain that Percy was hiding, the confusion, the anger. Apollo knew the anger wasn't directed at him but he still didn't want to test that theory.

"You are the god of two things, you have two domains." Apollo tore his eyes away from Percy's, opting out to stare at the blanket that the other god was sitting on. "You're the god of natural disasters and loyalty."

Apollo was dramatic, that much he knew. It must run in the family or something. He was hoping for maybe a gasp or the muses would somehow appear in the doorway singing about whatever. None of that happened but it certainly would have filled the silence that followed his words.

"Natural disasters?" Percy asked.

Apollo met his eyes again and saw a new emotion shining through, confusion. (Is that an emotion? He isn't sure)

"Yeah," Apollo said letting out a sigh in relief, glad to be talking about something. Maybe Perseus could feel the awkward silence between them. "Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes. Those type of stuff."

"And loyalty?" the newly turned god asked.

"I think it would be similar to Aphrodite and love. You could be able to see where someones loyalty lies and feel it when someone is betrayed or loyalty is lost." Apollo was glad to be explaining it, that was something he was good at.

Perseus, God Of Natural DisastersWhere stories live. Discover now