Chapter Thirteen

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"So did you two have your fun then?" Triton asked with a grin, coffee in hand.

Percy shot him a dirty look, "Oh shut up."

"For some reason he kept telling me that," Apollo said, going by Aidan again in the presence of the two sea gods.

"I had a reason," Percy retorted.

"Are you sure about that love?" Apollo said stepping closer to wrap an arm around Percy's waist. He pressed his chest against the ex-demigod's back, resting his chin on his shoulder. Watching with satisfaction as Percy's breathing became uneven.

"Awww thats so adorable it made me throw up in my mouth," Kym said with a small smile.

"Kym you can shut up now. No one cares," Triton said pushing her away by her face.

"Triton shut up or I will castrate you," Kym threatened.

Triton's eyes widen and he stepped away from the goddess.

Apollo decided to mess with them. "I thought your name was Terry."

Kym and Triton both froze.

Apollo grinned. "It's not like you two are hiding it very well. Triton your skin is still slightly green."

"You can see through the mist?"

"Of course."

Percy rolled hus eyes a muttered under his breath, "I thought the dance would give it away."

"Oh it did," said Kym, going into full Sherlock mode. "One: You were able to hold Percy up despite him being heavy because of the whole god thing. Two: You knew the dance, its a godly dance. So either you are a demigod, god or other mythical being. Three: the fact that you were able to hold my brother up so that rules out demigods and satyrs. So what are you Aidan?"

Now it was Percy and Apollo's turn to freeze.

"Kym," Percy said.

"No no its ok, I'll tell them," Apollo said.

"You'll what?" Percy said eyes wide, spinning around in Apollo's arms. Looking up at him.

Apollo loved the height difference between them. At first he hadn't liked his disguise much. The black hair and blue eyes had made him look too much like a son of Zeus. But now Apollo was a few inches taller than Percy and it was driving him crazy. He could look down on him and he looked even cuter from above.

The mist was working overtime on his eyes which were rapidly changing colours. Even more so than they were on Olympus.

Apollo faintly worried about that but pushed it to the back of his mind.

Percy's eyes were staying their old sea green but flickers of other colours could be seen, disappearing as soon as they showed up. Red, yellow, blue, grey, pink, purple. Each colour showed up within a second.

"I'll tell them, it's not that big of a deal."

"But could you not get in trouble? For leaving your job?" Percy said, pale yellow bleeding into his eyes. It worried Apollo how much the mist was malfunctioning. He could see the white tendrils of the mist creep up to his eyes and turn them back to green.

"Nah, I'll be fine. They probably won't even notice," Apollo said with a smirk, he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. Completely catching him off guard.

Apollo pulled back and completely supported Percy's weight as he fell against him. His face going red as the mist worked to stop his face from appearing golden.

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