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Songs for this chapter:

Unchained Melody: Righteous Brothers

We Belong Together: Ritchie Valens

My Girl: The Temptations

Baby I'm Yours: Arctic Monkeys


I clock out of the shift at the cafe and walk down the street towards the shopping strip. I can't believe it's been over a year since I started working there. I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and squint up at the sky. A bright blue backdrop is dotted with soft white clouds that hang like a blanket above my head. The scene makes me smile, it's the perfect day to celebrate a one-year anniversary.

I walk into the grocery store and start making my way up and down the isles, looking for all the necessary ingredients for tonight. Everyone told us we should go out somewhere fancy for such a big occasion, but we both decided that cooking a nice meal together would be better. I know that it's a big day, but I know how Ku is, and I think we both would be more comfortable spending this day together in a relaxing way. He said that once we go on break, he'll teleport us to wherever I want for a nice trip, just the two of us.

It makes me think of the school trip we took together. It's funny to look back at how shy Kusuo was to do anything. I smile to myself as I continue on my way. He's the complete opposite of that now. He practically never leaves my side when we're together, but it's not like I mind. I know by now that if I were to say anything to him about it, he'd instantly stop then say something sarcastic, and I don't want to deal with his attitude.

Speaking of Ku's attitude, he was such a weirdo when I first met him. So closed-off and unapproachable. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course, since I ultimately fell for his quiet and alluring nature, but still. It's funny to think it all started because I asked him for help with math problems. I sometimes wonder what would've happened if I decided not to ask him for help that day if we'd even be together. I asked him about it before, to which he immediately brushed it off, saying that we would've still ended up together regardless. I asked him why he thought that, to which he responded:

'Because you're fucking hot.'

I remember quirking an eyebrow at him and then saying that doesn't mean we would've gotten together. He squinted his eyes at me, then turned his attention back towards whatever he was reading at the time with a shrug. When I thought the conversation was done, he ended the little exchange with:

'I probably would've kept coming to the cafe to get free coffee jelly until I fell in love, obviously.'

I pointed out that that was technically what already happened since the first time I met him was when I set him down in his "official" spot and gave him coffee jelly for free (the whole staff knows that's where he sits now). He shrugged again and said that he rests his case.

I walk through the instant coffee and gelatin section, to which I obviously grab all the things to make the sweet. We can't have a nice dinner without a proper dessert.

I think about all the fun and exciting things that I have done since I've moved here, and most of them have Kusuo there right by my side. At the festival in the park, I think that was one of the first moments I realized he was cute. To even when I found out about his powers, a.k.a when I almost died! That was crazy, and honestly, I almost forgot about that.

As I add a slab of filet mignon steak to my cart, I think of all the fun dinners with his family. I smile again, Kusuke, Kusuo's older brother, came back a few weeks ago, which was an interesting few days. Every time I came over, Kusuke was there. He wanted to hang out with us to "feel young again," which was funny to hear since he isn't that much older than us. Of course, Kusuo was irritated, so for those days, we ended up hanging out at my apartment instead. Even if Kusuo was desperately trying to avoid Kusuke at every turn, we still ended up having dinner with Ku's whole family, a request by his mother. It was going well, like it always does, until Kusuke, being the instigator that he is, asked us if we were sexually active... during dinner! It was mortifying, and it resulted in the whole "use protection" speech by his parents. They were ultimately okay with everything, and apparently, they already suspected it. After that dinner, we were both dying of laughter at how horrible the situation was. Well, I was dying of laughter, and Ku was just irritated.

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