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Your POV

I wake up to the sound of a door closing. I open my eyes and turn to look over at Ku but he's not there. I look around and sit up when I realize that I'm back in my hotel room. Kusuo must have dropped me off here at some point after I fell asleep. I rub my face and Chiyo walks out of the bathroom.

"Oh good, you're awake!" She says and walks over to her suitcase.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask and get up out of bed to start changing. I pull out a pair of normal light-wash jean shorts and a light blue fitted tank top.

"They just went down to get breakfast- OH MY GOD!" Chiyo shouts and grabs onto my shoulders.

"Woah what?" I say confused and Chiyo starts to jump up and down.

"What did you do last night? You and Saiki left the party and I didn't see you for the rest of the night..." She squeals. I look away from her to try and hide my smile when I remember what happened last night. I don't understand how she would know or what gave her such a big reaction.

"I don't know what you're implying but we just went for a walk, nothing crazy," I tell her and run my fingers through my bedhead.

"Hmm okay, whatever you say," she winks with a giggle. I'm still confused so I walk away from her and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But when I look in the mirror my eyes widen. I see not 1, not 2, but 3 hickeys on my neck and they're pretty dark too.

"Oh shit," I say to myself and walk back out of the bathroom. Chiyo is now bombarding me with questions once she knows that she caught me, the more she asks the redder my face gets. I go over to my makeup bag and try to find some foundation and when I attempt to cover it up, it doesn't work.

"I have something that you can use...." she sings. "But you have to tell me what happened."

I give her a look but I eventually give in with a sigh and tell her everything. She squeals at every detail and constantly interrupts.

"What did he say?!... He did what?!... Oh my god!" She exclaims "Y/n I am so jealous!"

I can't help but smile at remembering last night's events and I cover my face with my hands.

"Here use this, it contrasts the color, but let me grab some ice first, it helps," she says and walks towards the door with the icebox.

"How do you know so much?" I question her and she looks back at me shyly.

"Well... let's just say I read a lot," she answers and walks out the door. I get back to changing and once  brush through my hair and do some light makeup, I start to pack since we are leaving early tomorrow morning. It's honestly sad that the trip is almost over, everything is beautiful here and the break from school has been amazing and very much needed. Chiyo comes back into the room with the ice and helps me more with the hickeys. They are still faint under the makeup but it isn't as noticeable now which is good enough for me.

After Chiyo is changed, we both head down to the hotel lobby for breakfast. Most of the gang are sitting around the table eating their breakfast. Nendou and Kaido are yelling at each other about who knows what, Aren is trying to break them up.

"I'm going to say hi to everyone, I'll save you a seat," Chiyo says and walks over to the table, waving to Chisato. My stomach growls so I head over to the buffet-style service that is in the next room. I walk in and see Hairo, Teruhashi, and Kusuo grabbing different foods.

"Good morning y/n!" Hairo says excitedly and Kusuo turns his head and we make eye contact. I blush under his gaze so I look away and grab a plate. Teruhashi walks out as soon as I enter but I don't care.

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