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Your POV

We're in PE class playing volleyball and it's actually going well. Despite not being super athletic, I've managed to get some points for my team, and my serves have (somehow) been getting over the net for the most part.

'Call me Wakatoshi Ushijima cause I'm smashing these serves, bitches,' I think while laughing to myself. After the festival, the weekend went by fast. Having worked both Saturday and Sunday, I didn't get to hang out with Sai- Kusuo. He came in when I was working Saturday but I couldn't really talk since it was pretty busy. He sat in his usual spot and I gave him his coffee jelly (for free) and then he went on his way. I honestly don't know how my manager hasn't caught on yet but I'm glad they haven't. Once I was done with my shift, I checked my phone to see he texted me thanks. I responded back with some funny memes but other than that (and some sassy replies from him), that was my weekend. 

It's my turn to serve again so I hit another ball over the net (barely getting over but it made it) and quickly get back into my spot. I am on a roll as I bump the ball as it was sent back over. I am feeling very proud of myself, nothing is gonna stop me now-...

I feel hot as I groggily open my eyes. I look over to my left and see the school nurse with her back to me, fiddling with some papers. I'm in... the nurses' office?' 

I look around the room in confusion, it seems I'm the only one in here besides the nurse. I sit up but quickly wish I didn't and put a hand to my throbbing head, a searing pain erupting from the movement. The nurse turns around, hearing the rustling of the sheets and makes her way over to me. 

"Thank goodness, you're awake!" She says and pulls up a chair and sits down next to the bed. "Apparently you took quite a hit to the face." She places a hand on the side of my head and tilts my face in different directions. She does some more tests with me to make sure I don't have a concussion.

"The hit seemed to have knocked your equilibrium so at most you'll have a headache but I think you should take it easy for a few days just to be safe. If any of the symptoms I said start to pop up or your headaches gets worse, you should go get checked out again." She tells me, handing me a bag of ice.

"How did I end up here?" I question while putting the bag against the side of my head.

"Well, Mr. Saiki showed up here with you passed out in his arms. Said something about P.E. and volleyball. He was here for a while and I had to practically force him to leave since the bell rang for the next class. Normally I wouldn't care, but Kaido was here a while ago and your teacher didn't like that he was faking his fever just to avoid a test. I was the one who got in trouble and I was- oh dear, I'm just going on and on... anyways I just know I'd end up getting an earful from your teacher so I made him go back," she explains looking over my face again. "You know what, I'll call your boyfriend down, school is almost done anyways." She gets up and goes to the phone and I feel my face goes bright red at her statement. 

'Boyfriend?!'  I think over and over. She gets off the phone after talking on it for a few seconds and when she comes back over I say:

"He's not my boyfriend... actually."

"Oh! I'm sorry for assuming, dear," she apologizes. "He seemed pretty worried about you though. He was really dragging his feet getting back to class." This doesn't help my blush and now I just know my face is a tomato. The nurse laughs at my obvious embarrassment and stands up to go back to the papers she was messing with earlier. I control my stupid and unnecessary blush just as Kusuo shows up. His eyes land on mine and he walks the short ways to sit in the chair the nurse was just in.

"Saiki hun, you don't need to worry about going to class since school is almost over anyway. Just make sure L/n here gets home safely." She says and briskly walks out the room mumbling something about files and the main office, which leaves us two alone.

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