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The ceremony was really sweet. Mae was the flower girl and she looks absolutely adorable swinging the basket around and delicately throwing out the petals. Hamura was the ring bearer and he looked very serious on completing his mission in delivering the rings to the front alter.

The whole time I felt like I was watching the scene from outside of my body like I was a spirit just walking around and observing. It was weird to see my father this way but the face he made when he saw Andrea walking down the aisle, in her beautiful white gown, made me feel surprisingly warm. I haven't seen him look that way ever since mom passed so seeing him so happy now, somehow lifted a weight from my shoulders. I still have very conflicting feelings towards him and I don't know if I can forgive him right now but it makes me feel at peace knowing that my father has moved on too and somehow, that seems alright with me.

After the vows and their kiss, they both walk back down the aisle, hand in hand, and everyone followed them down a stone path to the reception where there are tables with beautiful flower displays in the center. There is a bar and a dance floor off to the side too.

I sit with Kusuo and we listen to all the speeches and kind words from bridesmaids, the best man (who is one of my Dad's longtime work partners), and even little Mae. While she was talking about how excited she is to have a new dad, I lock eyes with my father. We stare at each other and I can sense the guilt in his eyes. Mae finishes her speech and everyone claps, bring my eyes back to her small figure. After the dinner, the party begins and people start getting up out of their seats and intermingling.

"Babe, wanna go over to the bar?" I ask Kusuo.

'Why? So you can try to get alcohol?' he answers and I fake a shocked expression.

"I can't believe you'd suggest such a thing," I say with a mock gasp. "I just wanted a Shirley Temple."

'Right...' Kusuo sasses and I glare at him. Regardless, he walks with me over to the bar and while I'm waiting for my fancy (alcohol-free) drink, my father makes his way over to us. I start to panic and try to look for an escape route to avoid him. Kusuo notices my hesitance and stops me from leaving my lightly grabbing onto my elbow. 

'You should hear him out. He's nervous too.' Kusuo says, letting go of my elbow. I bite my lip apprehensively, I know I have to talk to him eventually so I guess now is as good of a time as any. My dad stops a few steps away from us and sends me a small, sheepish smile. 

"Hi, y/n," my dad says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. 

"Hi," I say. "Um, congratulations."

"Thank you, thank you," he says. He then turns to the bartender and asks for a glass of water. While he waits, he turns to me again. "You look nice." 

I look down at my dress, "thanks." 

Silence fills the space and this leads to him looking at Kusuo.

"Oh, this is my boyfriend," I say, again feeling pride in calling him that. My father's eyebrow raises and he nods. He sets his glass down and holds out his hand.

"Stephen L/n."

"Kusuo Saiki," Ku says as they clasp hands. For some reason, I'm nervous. I don't care what my father thinks of him since I know he can't do anything to stop me from seeing him but at the same time, I want him to like Ku.

Their handshake doesn't last for long and when they separate, my father nods again. "I'm glad you could make it."

I nod, "I appreciate the invitation."

It's quiet again but the silence isn't as suffocating as it was before. My dad picks up the glass of water and takes a sip.

"I met Andrea and her kids before the ceremony, they seem really sweet."

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