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Third Person POV

After the almost impossible task of staying awake during class, the school day is finally over and you sluggishly get up from your seat. You huff in annoyance since the few cups of coffee that you had this morning seemed to have no effect. You follow Saiki off-campus and eventually you both get to his house. Once you enter, Saiki goes to the living room and turns on the tv.

"One of my shows is gonna be on soon," he says as he sits on the couch with a coffee jelly somehow already in his hand.

'Where did he get that from?' You think but ultimately decide that due to your tiredness, he probably went to grab it while you were zoned out or something. You sit down on the couch and watch the show with him.

"You should eat some of your lunch that you didn't have," Kusuo says, looking at my bag.

"I'm fine, I'm not hungry."

"Eat. Maybe it will keep you awake." He says and as I glare at him, his eyebrows are knitted together sternly and I, again, don't feel like arguing with him so with a reluctant sigh I grab my lunch. I munch on my food while Kusuo watches whatever it is and once I'm finished I lay back against the soft pillows and continue to watch too. I feel my eyes start to get heavy again and I continue to battle my eyelids. But after a while, the heaviness becomes too much and I finally give in and drift off into a much-needed nap.


Saiki POV

The protagonist of my show was walking with his companions through the dense forest not knowing that an ambush was waiting for them. The heroes stop in their tracks when they hear rustling from the bushes next to them and as the enemy is about to jump out and start the battle, I feel pressure on my shoulder. I look down and tense up when I see y/n is leaning against me, sound asleep.

'Good grief, right when my show is getting good,' I internally groan. I try to focus on the episode that I have been waiting for but y/n next to me is making it difficult. I have spent the past week successfully avoiding spoilers about this episode in hopes that I would be able to see it with no problem. I look down at y/n and see her leaning against me in an uncomfortable position, her neck bent downwards, causing her shoulders to be tense. I just know if she stays like this she'll wake up complaining about neck pain or something annoying like that. The episode's battle is in full swing as I gently pick her up and head up to my room where I lay her down on my bed. I pull the covers up so they're under her chin and I stare at her sleeping face. Although having deep eyebags, she looks a lot more peaceful than she did earlier. I've seen her some mornings when we've walked to school with eyebags before but today seemed especially bad. She seemed so out of it and I found myself hating the silent walk this morning. It was obvious something was bothering her and I assumed maybe it was something about her dad but I did not expect it to be nightmares, especially about her mom. I overheard her talking to the girls on her first day about her mom and I honestly somewhat forgot, a lot more concerned with not being able to hear her thoughts. Y/n, since she came to PK, has always been a positive face that it's hard to comprehend that she deals with nightmares. So she gets them often? How many sleepless nights has she had to endure alone? These questions and more circulate through my head as I keep looking at her face. I get a weird feeling in my stomach again. 

'What are you doing to me y/n?' I brush some stray hair strands off her face. I turn off the light, close the door softly and head back downstairs to continue watching the episode.


Third Person POV

You shift around trying to fix your sleeping position and open your eyes slightly to look at your clock but when you go to look at it, it's not there. You look to your left and realize that this is not your room. You sit up quickly and notice the bookshelf, the familiar desk, and the neatly even manga stack that's positioned next to the wall. This is Kusuo's room. 

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