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Clair's pov:
Today I stayed at home along with the others. It after all was a wonderful day with tons of sunshine. So with the memory of what could happen today in school I right out declared that I won't go to this hell hole no matter what they May say. To not too much surprise my mates were right on board with me. What however did shock me was my Moms reaction to it! She not only was completely fine with me staying at home, she even encouraged me to do so. She got told from various co workers how rarely a day like today with all this sunshine is around here. Apparently at the most one day every second to third month. So she not only wished me a wonderful day at home but she also asked me to soak up some sunshine for her as well. During our phone call Mom has been telling me about the date the both of us will have with Marcus this evening and how much she is already looking forward to it. She also has been gushing about how sweet and lovely he has been as well as good looking to which i simply have giggled at in reply. I mean what should I Of said?! Marcus after all has been sitting rather close by me, so it was obvious he heard every word that mom and I said! The wide smile on his lips thought made me smile too. Especially with the knowledge that he is my moms mate, it's clear that he will do everything in his power to make her happy as well as keep her safe and that's everything I want for my mom. Someone she can lean on and loves her wholeheartedly. Which I am sure Marcus already does! That was pretty obvious as I endend the phone call with my mom and he literally scooped me up to hug me tightly in utter joy that she seems to like him this much already.
„Hey, what are you thinking about that got you smiling that big princess?" Jasper questions me as he takes a seat next to me in the grass. His skin glistening like little diamonds wherever the sun hits him. Mesmerized I softly caress his skin with a smile.
„It's really pretty!" I say while still caressing up and down his arm. Hearing a few more chuckles from behind I smile widely at the rest of my mates as well.
„Ignore them princess, they are only jealous that you called my skin pretty and not theirs." Jasper loudly whispers in my ear to make me giggle which obviously worked!
„Hey!" the other three say in feigned hurt but their chuckles completely ruined their impressions.
„Don't worry. I think all four of you are really pretty!" I say and giggle even louder at their dumb smacked faces. Two strong arms softly lift me slightly up before they lower me back down, this time though I am sitting on top of Edward and no longer on the ground.
„Well, I think you are way more beautiful then we all are put together!" Edward says honestly while I only make a face at his silliness. They after all are way more beautiful than I am, they are vampires though so I think it's unfair to compare. When I tell them that they only chuckle lovingly at me before explaining to me how that's exactly the reason I am more beautiful than they are. Not because I still am human, but because I am beautiful from the inside out. That's what Carlisle has said.
„How do you guys think my mom will take the news on Marcus being a Vampire as well as her Mate?" I ask the Four of them seriously. It has been bugging me ever since Marcus told me that he will tell my mom tonight. On one side I do think it's good to play with open cards, but I also am really worried that she might reject him since they all have explained to me how this could kill him. And I really don't want him to die only because my mom needs some more time to get to therms with his different species.
„I think she will take it like a champ, just like her daughter did." Carlisle says with encouragement in every word since he surely figured that I am worried for Marcus life.
„Are you really thinking so or are you only trying to sooth my worries?" I ask him in reply. Needing to be sure that he honestly think so. His smile only gets wider as he watches me.
„I really do think so. You can't forget how you go with them as well. This way you can help Marcus explain and your mom understand that he says the truth." he says and pecks my lips softly too. Sighing dreamily at the small contact with him, I always had a thing for cuddles and any show of affection. So no wonder I am taking every chance I get with any physical contact with my mates.
„Still with us my love?" Emmet asks me with a chuckle. Smiling at him I nod my head with a small giggle.
„Always with you guys." I say before thinking of finally vocally saying that I love them already. Deciding that today is as good of a time than some other time, I take one more deep breath before bearing my heart out for them.
„Love you guys." I whisper slightly afraid that they won't feel the same. When I however hear their joyous shouts I sigh in utter relief.
„I Love you!" they say in unison making me blush slightly but my heart nearly bursts in joy. When I got thrown in the air and quickly spinned around I giggly loudly. Feeling like I could do absolutely everything right now.
„Can you say it again? Pretty please darling?" Edward asks me hopeful as he takes me out of Emmets arms while said man is still smiling widely at me.
„I love you." I once again say softly and get four happy purrs in reply. Making my chest fill with even more love for them.
„I Love you too. So unbelievable much princess." Jasper says and softly takes me out of Edwards arms to kiss me lovingly, much to my joy!
„My turn!" Emmet says and pulls me into his chest instead.
„i Love you my love!" he softly whispers with so much love in his words that it nearly gets me to tear up. Before that happens though, he softly kisses my lips.
„Love you." he once more whispers in my ear and another pair of arms take me out of his again.
„Hey darling!" Edward says and kisses my nose making me giggle slightly at his silliness.
„I love you darling. I hope you never forget that." he says and kisses my lips just as sweetly. Turning around I lift my arms out, waiting for my last and final mate to hold me. His loving chuckle only makes me giggle some more as he finally pulls me into his chest instead.
„Left the best for last precious!" he whispers in my ear with a low chuckle. As I as well giggle along with him.
„I love you!" he says lovingly before kissing my lips just like the others have.
„Hey, are you guys molesting my daughter down there?" Marcus voice calls from upstairs towards us making me giggle loudly at his silliness. I really love how he also always jokes around with us. Aro and Caius have even taken me to the side once to thank me for making their brother so happy. But I don't do anything! he simply always is that way, at least as far as I know! With me around he after all is like this which I absolutely love!

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